NSU Catalog 2019-2020 
    Feb 15, 2025  
NSU Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Credit by Validation

The South Dakota Board of Regents and its universities encourage students to take advantage of opportunities available to them to earn college credit. (BOR Policy 2:5) These opportunities can reduce the cost of a college education by reducing the number of courses a student must take to complete a degree. Nationally recognized exams include AP (Advanced Placement Program), CLEP (College Level Examination Program), DANTES, and IB (International Baccalaureate). Other options include Institutional Exam and prior learning portfolios. Credits earned through validation methods other than nationally recognized examinations are not allowed:

  1. To exceed 30 credits for baccalaureate degrees
  2. To exceed 15 credits for associate degrees

Credit by Validation is not allowed:

  1. If the student previously visited or is currently registered for the class
  2. For any graduate level courses
  3. If the student previously completed the course for collegiate credit (may repeat “w” grades only)

Advanced Placement Program (AP)

Entering freshman students who have completed an advanced placement course in high school and who have taken and successfully passed appropriate College Entrance Examination Board Advanced Placement test with a score of three (3), four (4), or five (5) may receive course credit. Request that official score reports are mailed to Northern State University for evaluation. South Dakota Board of Regents policy on specific courses for which credit is given and other requirements are found at advanced placement guidelines. If the student successfully completes the examination, the permanent record will show “Credit by Examination” with a grade of “EX”. No entry will be made on a permanent record if the examination is failed.

Contact the Testing Center for information about the testing program, test dates and fees. Phone (605)-626-2029.

   Advanced Placement Guidelines for Regental Institutions
   Acceptance of credit is governed by BOR policy 2:5 Transfer of Credit.
   Minimum Scores Credit Hours Course Prefix Course Number(s) System General Education
History of Art          
  NSU 3 3 ARTH 211   yes
Studio Art - Drawing Portfolio          
  NSU 3 3 ART 111   yes
Studio Art - General Portfolio          
  NSU 3 3 ART 121   yes
  NSU 3 4 BIOL 151 /151L   yes
    5 8 BIOL 151 /151L  & 153 /153L   yes
  NSU 3 4 CHEM 112 /112L   yes
    5 8 CHEM 112 /112L  & 114 /114L   yes
Computer Science A          
  NSU 3 4 MIS 150   no
Computer Science ABC         
  NSU 3 4 MIS 150   no
    5 8 MIS 150  & 250   no
Computer Science Principles        
No equivalent course.        
Economics: Macroeconomics          
  NSU 3 3 ECON 202   yes
Economics: Microeconomics          
  NSU 3 3 ECON 201   yes
English Language & Composition          
  NSU 3 3 ENGL 101   yes
English Literature & Composition         
  NSU 3 3 ENGL 210   yes
Environmental Science          
French Language & Culture        
  NSU 3 4 FREN 202 A no
    4.5 6 FREN 202 & 392B no
Human Geography          
  NSU 3 3 GEOG 200   yes
German Language & Culture        
  NSU 3 3 GER 202 D no
    4.5 6 GER 202  & 392E no
Government & Politics - Comparative         
  NSU 3 3 POLS 141 yes
Government & Politics - United States          
  NSU 3 3 POLS 100   yes
History - European         
  NSU 3 3 HIST 122   yes
History - United States          
  NSU 3 3 HIST 151   yes
Latin LiteratureC          
  NSU 3 8 LATI 101  and 102 yes
    4 11 LATI 101 , 102, and 201 yes*
    5 14 LATI 101 , 102, 201, and 202 yes*
Latin - Vergil          
  NSU 3 8 LATI 101  and 102 yes
    4 11 LATI 101 , 102, and 201 yes*
    8 14 LATI 101 , 102, 201, and 202 yes*
Mathematics - Calculus AB         
  NSU 3 4 MATH 123   yes
Mathematics - AB Subscore on the BC Calculus         
  NSU 3 4 MATH 123   yes
Mathematics - Calculus BC          
  NSU 3 8 MATH 123  & 125   yes/yes
Music Theory         
  NSU 3,4 4 MUS 110   yes
    5 8 MUS 110  & 111   yes/yes
Physics B        
  NSU 3 8 PHYS 111 /111L  & 113 /113L   yes
Physics 1: Algebra Based        
  NSU 3 4 PHYS 111 /111L   yes
Physics 2: Algebra Based        
  NSU 3 4 PHYS 113 /113L   yes
Physics C: Mechanism     No Credit  
Physics C: Electricity & Magnetism     No Credit  
  NSU 3 3 PSYC 101   yes
Spanish Language & Culture        
  NSU 3 3 SPAN 202 F no
    4,5 6 SPAN 202  & 392G no
Spanish Literature & Culture        
  NSU 3 3 SPAN 202 F no
    4,5 6 SPAN 202  & 335G no
  NSU 3 3 MATH 281 yes
World History         
  NSU 3 3 HIST 111   yes
    4 or5 6 HIST 111  & 112   yes

NOTE: “No Credit” indicates that the South Dakota public university system does not grant college credit for student performance on this examination. South Dakota public university system will only accept Advanced Placements scores recorded within five years from the time a student seeks credit by examination. Advanced Placement examinations do not meet the globalization or writing intensive requirements.

A Retroactive credits for FREN 101 , FREN 102 , and FREN 201  earned if FREN 310  is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

B Retroactive credits for FREN 101 , FREN 102 , and FREN 201  may be earned if an appropriate upper-division course is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

C Course credit for French Literature, Computer Science AB, Latin Literature, and Italian Language and Culture will not be awarded to students entering the system with qualifying scores after June 2014.

D Retroactive credits for GER 101 /GER 102 /GER 201  earned if GER 311  or GER 312  is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

E Retroactive credits for GER 101 , GER 102 , and GER 201  may be earned if an appropriate upper-division course is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

F Retroactive credits for SPAN 101 , SPAN 102 , and SPAN 201  may be earned if 311 or 312 is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

G Retroactive credits for SPAN 101 , SPAN 102  and SPAN 201  may be earned if an appropriate upper-division course is completed with a grade of “C” or above.

College Level Examination Program (CLEP)

The College Board’s College Level Examination Program (CLEP) provides an opportunity to earn college credit for college level achievements without the benefit of transcripted college credit or to validate coursework or experience otherwise not acceptable as transfer. College credit is awarded for satisfactory performance on the CLEP subject examinations per the South Dakota Board of Regents policy. CLEP tests may be retaken only following a lapse of three (3) months. CLEP examinations do not meet the globalization or writing intensive requirements. South Dakota Board of Regents policy on specific courses for which credit is given and other requirements are found at CLEP guidelines. If the student successfully completes the examination, the permanent record will show “Credit by Examination” with a grade of “EX”. No entry will be made on a permanent record if the examination is failed. Contact the Testing Center for information about the testing program, test dates and fees. Phone (605)-626-2029.

CLEP exams may be taken to repeat an F grade, but F will still count in gpa.


  CLEP Guidelines
Scores acceptable for the granting of college credit within the SD public university system
  Acceptance of credit is governed by BOR policy 2:5 Transfer of Credit.
  Scores Course Information Requirement for
   Paper Computer Credit Prefix(s) Number General Ed Major
Accounting, Principles ofi           
  NSU 50 50 6 ACCT 210  & 211   No Yes
Accounting, Financial           
  NSU 50 50 3 ACCT 210   No Yes
American Government          
  NSU 50 50 3 POLS 100   Yes Yes
U.S. History I          
  NSU 50 50 3 HIST 151   Yes Yes
U.S. History II           
  NSU 50 50 3 HIST 152   Yes Yes
American Literature          
  No Credit              
Analyzing & Interpreting Lit.          
  No Credit              
Business Law, Introductory           
  NSU 51 50 3 BADM 350   No Yes
  NSU 51 50 4 MATH 123   Yes Yes
College Algebra           
  NSU 51 50 3 MATH 114   Yes No
College Algebra/Trigonometry           
  No Credit              
Collegiate Mathematics           
  No Credit              
Composition, Freshman Collegeii          
  NSU 60 50 3 ENGL 101   Yes No
 College Composition Modular (Without Essay)        
  NSU 60 50 3 ENGL 101   Yes No
 College Composition Modular (With Essay)        
  No Credit              
College Composition (With Essay)          
  NSU 60 50 6 ENGL 101  & 201   Yes No
Composition, English           
  No Credit              
Educational Psychology, Intro. to          
  No Credit              
English Literature          
  No Credit              
General Biology           
  NSU 50 50 8 BIOL 151 /151L  & 153 /153L   Yes Yes
General Chemistry          
  NSU 50 50 8 CHEM 112 /112L  & 114 /114L   Yes Yes
Human Growth & Development          
  NSU 50 50 3 EPSY/PSYC 327/325   No Yes
  No Credit              
Information Systemsiii          
  NSU 50 50 3 MIS 105 Yes No
Language - French          
  NSU 50 50 6 FREN 101  & 102   Yes Yes
    59 59 9 FREN 101 , 102 , 201  & 202   Yes Yes
Language - German          
  NSU 50 50 6 GER 101  & 102   Yes Yes
    60 60 9 GER 101 , 102 , 201  & 202   Yes Yes
Language - Spanish          
  NSU 50 50 6 SPAN 101  & 102   Yes Yes
    63 63 9 SPAN 101 , 102 , 201  & 202   Yes Yes
Macroeconomics, Principles of          
  NSU 50 50 3 ECON 202   Yes Yes
Management, Principles of          
  NSU 50 50 3 BADM 360   No Yes
Marketing, Principles of          
  NSU 50 50 3 BADM 370   No Yes
Microeconomics, Principles of          
  NSU 50 50 3 ECON 201   Yes Yes
Natural Sciences          
  No Credit              
  NSU 50 50 5 MATH 115   Yes No
Psychology, Introductory            
  NSU 50 50 3 PSYC 101   Yes Yes
Social Sciences and History            
  No Credit              
Sociology, Introductory            
  NSU 50 50 3 SOC 100   Yes Yes
  NSU 54 50 3 MATH 120   Yes No
Western Civilization I            
  NSU 50 50 3 HIST 121   Yes Yes
Western Civilization II            
  NSU 50 50 3 HIST 122   Yes Yes

NOTE: “No Credit” indicates that the South Dakota public university system does not grant college credit for student performance on this examination. South Dakota public university system will only accept CLEP scores recorded within five years from the time a student seeks credit by examination. CLEP examinations do not meet the globalization or writing intensive requirements.

i Course credit for Principles of Accounting will not be awarded to students entering the system with qualifying scores after June 2012.

ii Course credit for Freshman College Composition will not be awarded to students entering the system with qualifying scores after June 2015.

iii The Information and Computer Applications exam was replaced in October 2015 with the Information Systems examination by College Board. Students may earn credit for the Information and Computer Application exam through October 2020.

iv Course credit for Trigonometry will not be awarded to students entering the system with qualifying scores after June 2011.


The DANTES/DSST (Defense Activities for Non Traditional Education Support Subject Standardized Test) program is an extensive series of examinations in college subject areas that are comparable to the final or end-of-course examinations in undergraduate courses. DANTES funds paper-based DSST testing for eligible Service members and civilian examinees at DANTES Test Centers and at national test centers (colleges and universities) offering the Internet-based (iBT) DSSTs. South Dakota Board of Regents policy on specific courses for which credit is given and other requirements are found at DANTES testing guidelines. If the student successfully completes the examination, the permanent record will show “Credit by Examination” with a grade of “EX”. No entry will be made on a permanent record if the examination is failed.


  DANTES (DSST) Guidelines for Regental Institutions
Acceptance of credit is governed by BOR policy 2:5 Transfer of Credit
Minimum Scores Acceptable for Granting College Credit Within the South Dakota Public University System
   Required Scores Credit Hours Course Prefix Course Number(s) Course Title
Anthropology, General         
  NSU 400 3 ANTH 210   Cultural Anthropology
  NSU 400 2-3 PHYS 185 Intro. to Astronomy
Business, Introduction to         
  NSU 400 3 BADM Elective Elective
Business Law II        
  NSU 400 3 BADM 351   Business Law
Civil War & Reconstruction        
  NSU 400 3 HIST 455 American Civil War & Reconstruction
College Algebra, Fundamentals of         
  NSU 400 3 MATH 114   College Algebra
Computing, Introduction to        
  NSU 400 3 CSC 105 Introduction to Computers
Counseling, Fundamentals of        
  NSU 400 3 PSYC Elective Elective
Criminal Justice        
  NSU 400 3 CJUS 201   Intro. to Criminal Justice
Education, Foundation of        
  NSU 400 1-2 EDFN 338   Foundation of American Education
Environment & Humanity: Race to Save Planet        
  NSU 400 3 SCI Elective Elective
Ethics in America        
  NSU 400 3 PHIL 220 Introduction to Ethics
Financial Accounting, Principles of        
  NSU 400 3 ACCT 210   Principles of Accounting I
Finance, Principles of        
  NSU 400 3 BADM 310   Business Finance
Geography, Human/Cultural         
  NSU 400 3 GEOG 101 Introduction to Geography
Geology, Physical        
  NSU 400 3 GEOL 201 Physical Geology
Here’s to Your Health        
  NSU 400 1 HLTH 100   Wellness for Life
Human Resource Management        
  NSU 400 3 BADM 460   Human Resource Management
Law Enforcement, Introduction to        
  NSU 400 3 CJUS Elective Elective
Management Information Systems         
  NSU 400 3 CIS/MIS 325   Management Information Systems
Modern Middle East, Introduction to        
  NSU 400 3 HIST 313   History of the Middle East
Money & Banking         
  NSU 400 3


330   Money & Banking
Personal Finance        
  NSU 400 3 BADM Elective Elective
Physical Science I, Principles of        
  NSU 400 3 PHSI Elective Elective
Principles of Supervision        
  NSU 400 3 BADM Elective Elective
Psychology, Lifespan Development        
  NSU 400 3 PSYC 221   Lifespan Development Psychology
Public Speaking, Principles of        
  NSU 400 3 SPCM 101   Fundamentals of Speech
Statistics, Principles of        
  NSU 400 3 MATH 281 Introduction to Statistics
Vietnam War, A History of the        
  NSU 400 3 HIST 459   Vietnam War, 1945-1975
Western Europe 1945        
  NSU 400 3 HIST Elective Elective
Writing, Technical        
  NSU 400 3 ENGL 379 Technical Communication
World Religion, Introduction to        
  NSU 400 3 REL 250 World Religion


International Baccalaureate (IB)

Northern State University recognizes the rigor of IB courses and the IB Diploma Program and encourages students to complete higher level courses and exams when ready. Students who complete IB courses and exams and obtain SDBOR required scores will be considered for advanced placement credit in the corresponding courses. South Dakota Board of Regents policy on specific courses for which credit is given and other requirements are found at: http://www.sdbor.edu/administration/academics/documents/IB_credit_guidelines.pdf. If earned, the permanent record will show “Credit by Examination” with a grade of “EX”. No entry will be made if minimum requirements are not met.


  South Dakota Board of Regents
  International Baccalaureate Program Policy1
  Standard Level Higher Level
  Score Course Equivalency Score Course Equivalency
   Required Prefix(s) Number(s) Credit Required Prefix(s) Number(s) Credit
Chemistry 6 to 7 CHEM 112 /112L   4 6 to 7 CHEM 112 /112L  & 114 /114L   8
Computer Science 5 to 7 CSC 150   3 5 to 7 CSC  150  & 250   6
English A         5 to 7 ENGL 101 , 201  & 210   9
Economics         5 to 7 ECON 201  & 202   6
French 6 FREN 101   4 4 FREN  101   4
           5 FREN 101  & 102   8
           6 or 7 FREN  101 , 102  & 201   12 to 13
General Chemistry       No Credit       No Credit
German 6 GER 101 4 4 GER 101   4
           5 GER 101  & 102   8
           6 or 7 GER 101 , 102  & 201   12 to 13
History 5 to 7 HIST 122   3        
History of Americans       No Credit       No Credit
Mathematical Methods2                
  Core 5 to 7 MATH 115   5        
   + Topic 7 5 to 7 STAT 281 8        
   + Topic 8 5 to 7 MATH 123   9        
Mathematical Studies                
   Core (No Credit)       No Credit3        
  SL Topic 1 and 2 5 to 7 MATH 114 4 3        
  HL Topics 1, 2, & 3         5 to 7 MATH   5
  HL Topics 5 and 7         5 to 7 STAT 281 3
   HL Topic 6         5 to 7 MATH   4
  HL Topic 9         5 to 7 MATH   4
  Further Math HL                
     Topic 3         5 to 7 STAT 281 4
     Topic 5         5 to 7 MATH   4
Physics 5 to 7 PHYS  &   4 5 to 7 PHYS  &  if Lab included 4
Psychology 5 to 7 PSYC   3        
Spanish 6 SPAN   4 4 SPAN   4
           5 SPAN  &   8
           6 or 7 SPAN ,  &   12 to 13

1 Many courses have undergone IB curriculum changes. It is recommended that campuses check the IB curriculum page prior to approval of course other than Math.

2 No longer in curriculum or exam transcript. Scores will be obsolete in 2020.

3 Do not have a Regental equivalent.

4 Credit can be purchased for this course.

Academic Credit for Non-Traditional Learning Experiences

Educational experiences that are equivalent to coursework provided at Northern State University, but could not otherwise be accepted by the university may be evaluated by institutional exam or Prior Learning Portfolio, at the discretion of the dean in the student’s academic area of study, when nationally recognized examinations (AP, CLEP, etc.) are not available. Only students enrolled in a degree program at Northern State University are eligible for either of these options. Nontraditional learning experiences include coursework from a non-accredited institution or work experience.

Credits earned through validation methods other than nationally recognized examinations are not allowed:

To exceed 30 hours of credit for baccalaureate degrees
To exceed 15 hours of credit for associate degrees.

No Credit by Validation is allowed:

If the student previously visited or is currently registered for the class
For any graduate level courses
If the student previously completed the course for college credit.

When validation credits are accepted, equivalent courses are recorded on the student’s academic record as “Exam for Credit” with a grade of “EX”, or “Prior Learning” or “Life Experience” with a grade of “CR”. A grade of “C” or better is required to earn course credit, but neither will affect grade point average. Credit earned for non-traditional learning experience will not meet degree residency requirements. Northern State University cannot guarantee that credit earned for non-traditional learning experience at NSU will transfer to other institutions, since institutional practices/policies vary.

Institutional Course Examination

In subjects for which there is no equivalent nationally recognized examination, educational experiences may be evaluated by institutional exam at the discretion of the dean in the associated area of study. Generally, only lower division (numbered below 300) courses may be challenged.

Students discuss the proposal with the department coordinator of the department that offers the course and the dean of that academic area and obtains the “Application for Institutional Course Examination” form available through the Registrar’s Office.

The Registrar checks that all criteria have been met, then signs the form indicating the desired course examination is in line with University policy.

The department coordinator & dean sign the form if approved and make arrangements for administration and grading of the examination.

The student takes the form to the Finance Office and pays the fee. The Finance Office signs the form to indicate this is done. Current costs for challenge exams are noted in the university catalog under Fees and Expenses, Non-Resident Tuition, Credit by Examination.

The student takes the form to the faculty person identified on the form who administers and grades the exam. The exam results are reported on the form. The test should be arranged as soon as possible, but no more than thirty days after payment of the fee.

The signed form is returned to the Registrar’s Office. Only successful exams are noted on the student’s academic record.

If the student fails to establish credit, the examination cannot be repeated nor can the application fee be refunded.

Credit For Prior Learning/Work Experience by Portfolio

Requests for credit via prior learning/work experience must directly correspond to academic coursework offered by Northern State University. The experiential learning must be fully described and documented by the student in writing to indicate the direct correspondence or equivalence to specific university course(s). Requests should be evaluated by external supervisors, if appropriate, and by University officials in light of the student’s educational objectives. For coursework from non-accredited institutions:

Students prepare a cover memo to the appropriate Dean (of the area the courses falls in), stating the course(s) for which he/she would like to receive prior learning credit. In addition to the memo, the student’s application for prior learning should include:

Transcript for the course(s) that includes the course prefix, number, title and date of enrollment;

Course syllabus;

Name & credentials of instructor;

Any course projects that seem appropriate;

Statement/memo from the student’s NSU advisor, indicating the student and the advisor have discussed the student’s application and the advisor agrees that prior learning credit is appropriate for this student in this major; and

Institutional Exam Fee (per course evaluated)

In cases where the prior learning application is based on work experience (experiential learning), rather than completed coursework, the documentation should include:

Statements from work supervisors (or the company’s human resources director) indicating job requirements and skills needed for the position held,

Examples of work projects,

Other appropriate proof of work experience

Institutional Exam Fee (per course evaluated)

Student obtains application from the Registrar’s office, pays fee at the Finance Office, then returns with documentation to the Registrar’s Office.

Registrar’s Office forwards application and documentation to the Dean of the appropriate school;

A faculty committee is appointed to review the application and reports its recommendation to the college dean, who forwards the recommendation to the Vice President for Academic Affairs;

The completed form is returned to the Registrar, who notifies the student of the result and records the credit if approved.

If the student fails to establish credit, the portfolio cannot be resubmitted nor can the application fee be refunded.