NSU Catalog 2017-2018 
    Sep 27, 2024  
NSU Catalog 2017-2018 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions

Course descriptions are arranged in alphabetical order by subject code (prefix).

Courses numbered less than 100 are considered developmental and do not count as credit toward graduation. These courses serve as preparation for college level courses and are required prerequisites for math and English courses. They must be completed in the first 30 attempted credit hours. Placement in these courses is based on ACT, SAT, or COMPASS test scores. They are self-support courses and charged at that tuition rate.

Freshmen and sophomores may take courses numbered 100 and 200 providing that the necessary prerequisites have been completed. Courses numbered 300 and 400 are normally junior and senior level but might be taken by sophomores if the necessary prerequisites have been met. Courses numbered 500 and 600 are entry- level graduate courses offered in conjunction with the undergraduate-level course. Undergraduate students who wish to enroll for the course at the 500 or 600 level must secure permission from the Graduate School. Courses numbered 700 are open to graduate students only.

Pre-requisites: Some classes have pre-requisites which must be met before enrolling in the class. This can consist of passing grades in specific courses, minimum scores on placement exams, a specified class level or admission to a particular program. It has been determined by the disciplines that these pre-requisites are necessary to prepare the student for enrollment. Pre-requisites are listed in the course description for each class.

Credits are semester hours. Asterisk (*) indicates that the course is not offered every year.


Business Administration

  • BADM 473 - Retail Management

    This course is a study of competitive structure, trade area analysis, site selection, merchandise planning and control, pricing, buying, credit policy and research. Managerial problems concerning the planning and operation of retail facilities are emphasized. Prerequisite: BADM 370  3 credits

  • BADM 474 - Personal Selling

    This course is a study of the skills needed to develop and manage long-term relationships with customers and suppliers. Emphasis is placed on relationship selling, presentation, prospecting, handling objectives and closing techniques with consideration given to differences in the global marketplace. Prerequisite: BADM 370  3 credits

  • BADM 475 - Consumer Behavior

    This course is a study of the various factors that influence consumers in their decisions relative to buying, using and disposing of goods, services and ideas. The course examines concepts and theories from the behavioral sciences and analyzes their application in developing marketing strategies. Prerequisite: BADM 370  3 credits

  • BADM 476 - Marketing Research

    This course provides an in-depth study of the primary methodologies of marketing research. Emphasis is places on collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting information for the purpose of reducing uncertainty surrounding marketing and management decisions. Prerequisite: BADM 370  and BADM 220  3 credits

  • BADM 478 - International Marketing

    This course is a study of the application of marketing principles and concepts in diverse cultural, economic, political, legal, and technological international environments. Prerequisite: BADM 370  3 credits

  • BADM 479 - International Human Resource Management

    This course compares and contrasts Human Resource Management requirements and practices in the major world economic centers and countries. Prerequisite: BADM 360  3 credits

  • BADM 480 - International Sales and Negotiations

    This course focuses on the skills and qualities needed to operate successfully in the international sales arena as well as how to successfully master the art of international negotiation. Students will focus on real-world skills and role play to learn the techniques of successful sales and negotiation tactics in the international business milieu. 3 credits

  • BADM 482 - Business Policy and Strategy

    This course is designed to develop an understanding of strategy formulation, implementation, and evaluation. It involves integrating all functional areas of business, analyzing the environment in which the firm operates, and choosing strategies that enable the firm to meet its objectives. Prerequisite: BADM 310 , BADM 350 , BADM 370  and BADM 360  3 credits

  • BADM 484 - Compensation

    Compensation studies the role of a wage and salary administrator. It focuses on the fundamentals of wage theory, job evaluation and compensable factors, employee evaluation, individual and group incentive plans, benefits, and mangerial/executive compensation. Prerequisite: BADM 460   3 credits

  • BADM 486 - Reading in Business Problems

    Independent study or research in the area of business and business education. 1-3 credits

  • BADM 489 - Business Plan Writing and Competition

    Students will write a business plan and present it to a panel of faculty and business community members. The top three business plan presenters will move on to a statewide competition. 1 credit

  • BADM 491 - Independent Study

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually three or fewer students. Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic. 1-4 credits

  • BADM 492 - Topics

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. 1-4 credits

  • BADM 493 - Workshop

    Special, intense sessions in specific topic areas. Approximately 45 hours of work is required for each hour of credit. Workshops may vary in time range but typically use a compressed time period for delivery. They may include lectures, conferences, committee work, and group activity. 1-3 credits

  • BADM 494 - Internship

    Applied, monitored and supervised, field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than is the case with field experience courses.  Grade assigned S/U. 1-12 credits

  • BADM 506 - Accounting for Entrepreneurs

    Accounting concepts and practices for entrepreneurs/small business owners. Emphasis given to the use of accounting tools to solve small business problems. 3 credits

  • BADM 511 - Investments

    This course is a thorough study of the equity market including fundamental valuation techniques, asset allocation, the efficient markets hypothesis and its implications, portfolio theory, risk and return, the primary and secondary market mechanisms, security market indicators, and international investing. An overview of the bond market including bond valuation, duration, and bond portfolio management, and an introduction to options, futures, and forward contracts are provided. The vital roles of computer technology and electronic trading are also explored. Prerequisite: BADM 310  3 credits

  • BADM 538 - Entrepreneurship II

    This course focuses on the process of screening an opportunity, drafting a personal entrepreneurial strategy, and understanding the business plan writing process. Building the entrepreneurial team and the acquisition and management of financial resources are emphasized along with venture growth, harvest strategies, and valuation. 3 credits

  • BADM 560 - Human Resource Management

    This course provides a survey of managerial practices with respect to the management of the human resource function and an introduction to the topic of human resource management as an occupational choice. Major areas of inquiry include recruitment and selection, training and development, compensation and benefits development, compensation and benefits maintenance. Prerequisite: BADM 360  3 credits

  • BADM 564 - Organizational Behavior

    This course is a study of individuals and groups. Traditional organization theory and concepts are presented and study is given to motivation, group dynamics, and methods of coordination, change, and adaptation within an organization. Prerequisite: BADM 360  3 credits

  • BADM 576 - Marketing Research

    This course provides an in-depth study of the primary methodologies of marketing research. Emphasis is placed on collecting, analyzing, interpreting and presenting information for the purpose of reducing uncertainty surrounding marketing and management decisions. Prerequisite: BADM 370  and BADM 220  3 credits

  • BADM 586 - Reading in Business Problems

    Independent study or research in the area of business and business education. 1-3 credits

  • BADM 591 - Independent Study

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually three or fewer students. Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic. 1-3 credits

  • BADM 592 - Topics

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. 1-4 credits

  • BADM 593 - Workshop

    Special, intense sessions in specific topic areas. Approximately 45 hours of work is required for each hour of credit. Workshops may vary in time range but typically use a compressed time period for delivery. They may include lectures, conferences, committee work, and group activity. 1-3 credits

  • BADM 605 - Foundations of Finance

    Topics included are mathematics of finance, liquidity management, capital budgeting, liability management and value creation. 3 credits

  • BADM 620 - Quantitative Procedures for Business

    This is an accelerated course in applications of mathematics and statistics to business and economics. Topic coverage includes: 1) equations and their graphs; 2) matrices and their operations; 3) differential calculus, in particular, first and second calculus, in particular, first and second derivatives of single and multi-variable 5) probability; 6) distributions; 7) hypothesis testing; 8) linear regression and analysis; 9) time series analysis; and 10) the modeling of business and economic problems. Computer applications are included. 3 credits

  • BADM 680 - Foundations of Management and Marketing

    Provides a broad conceptual background of fundamental knowledge in management and marketing for graduate students who have an inadequate background in these subjects. 3 credits

  • BADM 708 - International Finance

    Balance of payment analysis, international equilibrium and the mechanism of adjustment, international money markets and monetary standards, capital movements and the objectives of international monetary movement and corporate finance. 3 credits

  • BADM 715 - International Trade

    Theoretical analysis, historical survey and current problems of international trade; an examination of international economic policies and institutions especially as they relate to national political and economic objectives; trade barriers and controls. 3 credits


  • BIOL 101 - Biology Survey I

    Study of the nature, diversity, and classification of life, ecology, cells and cell cycles, Mendelian and modern genetics evolution and evolution theory. Intended for those not majoring in biology. Co-requisite: BIOL 101L  3 credits

  • BIOL 101L - Biology Survey I Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 101 . Co-requisite: BIOL 101   0 credits

  • BIOL 151 - General Biology I

    The introductory course for those majoring in biology and microbiology. Presents the concepts or cell biology, evolution, heredity, molecular genetics and ecology. Co-requisite: BIOL 151L  4 credits

  • BIOL 151L - General Biology I Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 151 . Co-requisite: BIOL 151   0 credits

  • BIOL 153 - General Biology II

    A continuation of BIOL 151 , the introductory course for those majoring in biology and microbiology. Presents the concepts of animal and plant structure and function, energetics, and reproduction. Prerequisite: BIOL 151  Co-requisite: BIOL 153L  4 credits

  • BIOL 153L - General Biology II Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 153 . Co-requisite: BIOL 153   0 credits

  • BIOL 180 - Soils and the Environment

    The course will examine current and historical issues related to erosion and soil conservation. It will also cover general soil properties and processes and human effects on soil and the environment. Not intended to fulfill a major requirement for students seeking Agriculture majors (e.g., Agricultural Science, Agricultural Systems Technology, Agronomy, Animal Science, Horticulture, Range Science, Ecology, and Environmental Management or other ag-related majors). 3 credits

  • BIOL 204 - Genetics and Cellular Biology

    Second course in a 2-semester sequence designed to teach students current concepts in genetics, cellular and molecular biology. This course will prepare students in the biological sciences for advanced courses in their emphasis areas. Topics covered in this course include: DNA and chromosomal structure; mobile genetic elements; transcription; RNA processing; translation; enzymes and metabolism; membrane structure and function; respiration and photosynthesis; the endomembrane system and trafficking; cytoskeleton; cell signaling; genetic engineering and biotechnology. This course is designed to be taken in conjunction with BIOL 204L, Genetics and Cellular Lab. Prerequisite: One semester of Organic Chemistry is highly recommended. Co-requisite: BIOL 204L  4 credits

  • BIOL 204L - Genetics and Cellular Biology Lab

    Lab to accompany BIOL 204  Co-requisite: BIOL 204  0 credits

  • BIOL 208 - Oceans and Their Ecosystems

    This course will start with a look at how the oceans developed on our planet, including the seafloor spreading theory and hydrologic cycle. The benthic substrate and benthos will be considered as well as the physical and chemical properties of seawater. The basics of oceanography (including currents, waves, tides, oceanography (including currents, waves, tides, and marine biology (including the zones of the ocean, marine food webs, plankton, and nekton) will be considered. Environmental concerns that pertain to the oceans will be covered. This course will also briefly cover some basic earth science such as plate tectonics and the motion of the atmosphere and how these pertain to the oceans. (Note: this course will fulfill a general elective, but not an elective course in the biology major.) 3 credits

  • BIOL 211 - Environmental Biology

    Historic and current ecological principles and human impact on the environment. Alternative modes of action are sought and discussed for South Dakota and the world. Intended for those not majoring in biology. (This course does not serve as a prerequisite for upper division courses in biology.) Lecture: two hours per week; lab or small group discussion: two hours per week. Co-requisite: BIOL 211L  3 credits

  • BIOL 211L - Environmental Biology Lab

    Laboratory component to BIOL 211 . Co-requisite: BIOL 211   0 credits

  • BIOL 221 - Human Anatomy

    Structures of various systems in the human body are presented as a structural basis for physiology. Prerequisite: BIOL 151  or BIOL 101  Co-requisite: BIOL 221L  4 credits

  • BIOL 221L - Human Anatomy Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 221 . Co-requisite: BIOL 221   0 credits

  • BIOL 235 - Introduction to Biotechnology

    Presents a basic overview of biotechnology emphasizing current DNA and RNA technologies and structure and function of biomolecules. The application of these techniques in the fields of medicine, agriculture, forensics and the environment is emphasized. Scientific methods, current good laboratory practices (cGLP), standard operating procedures (SOP), environmental regulations and ethics of the biotechnology industry will also be covered. Co-requisite: BIOL 235L  3 credits

  • BIOL 235L - Introduction to Biotechnology Lab

    Laboratory to accompany BIOL 235 . Co-requisite: BIOL 235   0 credits

  • BIOL 240 - Biotechnology Lab Methods and Techniques

    Students will become familiar with the theory and application of many analytical methods currently utilized in the field of biotechnology. These methods include: aespetic techniques, current good laboratory practices (cGLP), ELISA and immunoaffinity techniques, methods for determining enzymatic activity, determining enzymatic activity, methods, electrophoresis, light microscopy, restriction endonuclease digestion, agar and acrylamide electrophoresis of nucleic acids, Southern and Northern blotting, polymerase chain reaction and bioassays. Topics in genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics will also be discussed. Considerable emphasis will be placed on proper methods for data recording, analysis and Co-requisite: BIOL 240L  3 credits

  • BIOL 240L - Biotechnology Lab Methods and Techniques Lab

    Laboratory to accompany BIOL 240   Co-requisite: BIOL 240   0 credits

  • BIOL 245 - Cell Culture Techniques

    Students will be introduced to numerous laboratory techniques and methods involving animal, plant, fungal and bacterial cell cultures. Among the methods taught are: aseptic tissue culture techniques of model organisms, current good lab practices (cGLPs), and isolation, culture and preservation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic preservation of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cultures from ATCC and other repositories. Additionally, current methods for genetic engineering, propagation and analysis of crops and animals significant to the field of biotechnology will be explored. Students will also be introduced to fermentation processes as well as the regulatory requirements and associated agencies. Co-requisite: BIOL 245L  3 credits

  • BIOL 245L - Cell Culture Techniques Laboratory

    Laboratory to accompany BIOL 245 . Co-requisite: BIOL 245   0 credits

  • BIOL 250 - Introduction to Bioinformatics and Proteomics

    This course explores the theory and practice of biological database mining and analysis. In particular, students are introduced to integrated systems where a variety of data sources are connected through World Wide Web access. Information retrieval and interpretation are discussed, and many practical examples in a computer laboratory setting enable students to improve their data mining skills. Methods included in the course are searching the biotechnology literature (e.g. medical, pharmaceutical, agricultural, chemical databases), sequence homology searching and multiple alignments, protein sequence motif analysis, and several genome analytical methods. Co-requisite: BIOL 250L   3 credits

  • BIOL 250L - Introduction to Bioinformatics and Proteomics Lab

    Laboratory to accompany BIOL 250 . Co-requisite: BIOL 250   0 credits

  • BIOL 283 - Biology of Beer

    This interdisciplinary course will study many aspects of biology within the framework of a well-known process: brewing beer. Throughout the course, students will learn numerous fundamental principles of biochemistry, microbiology, molecular biology, and physiology. Ultimately, students will discuss how these principles are connected and applied to the creation, diversity and physiological effects of beer. Beer will NOT be consumed in this course. Co-requisite: BIOL 283L   4 credits

  • BIOL 283L - Biology of Beer Lab

    Lab to accompany BIOL 283 . 0 credits

  • BIOL 285 - Medical Terminology

    This course introduces the student to the technical language of medicine that has been developed logically from Latin and Greek roots. The student is shown how medical terms are built from their individual parts, or elements, which form the anatomy of the word. The information in this course will enable students to: identify the this course will enable students to: identify the medical terms, understand the importance of suffixes and prefixes in forming medical terms, link word elements together to form medical terms, break down or deconstruct a medical term into its elements, connect the singular and plural forms of medical terms, and verbalize the pronunciation of medical terms. 3 credits

  • BIOL 288 - Health and Physiological Aspects of Aging

    This course will address a wide range of issues related to the health and the biology of aging. It will examine the physiology of human aging and diseases of aging with an emphasis on dementia. It will consider how factors such as preventative measures, social support, medication use, and stress can contribute to healthy lifestyles and increased longevity. 3 credits

  • BIOL 291 - Independent Study

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually three or fewer students. Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic. 1-4 credits

  • BIOL 292 - Topics

    Includes current topics, advanced topics and special topics. A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually of 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. 1-4 credits

  • BIOL 294 - Internship

    Applied, monitored, and supervised field-based learning experience for which the student may or may not be paid. Students gain practical experience; they follow a negotiated and/or directed plan of study. A higher level of supervision is provided by the instructor in these courses than in the case with field experience courses. 1-6 credits

  • BIOL 301 - Plant Systematics

    Principles of phylogeny, classification, nomenclature, evolution; demonstrations, field study and laboratory practice in collection, preserving, and identifying plants. Prerequisite: BIOL 153  Co-requisite: BIOL 301L  4 credits

  • BIOL 301L - Plant Systematics Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 301 . Co-requisite: BIOL 301   0 credits

  • BIOL 302 - Animal Behavior

    Animal behavior from many aspects, including communication, social organization, orientation, imprinting, courtship and mating, agonistic behavior, control systems, and the evolution of behavioral patterns. Co-requisite: BIOL 302L   4 credits

  • BIOL 302L - Animal Behavior Lab

    Lab to accompany BIOL 302 . Co-requisite: BIOL 302  

  • BIOL 311 - Principles of Ecology

    Basic principles of ecology including the sub disciplines of physiological ecology, population ecology, community ecology, evolutionary ecology, and ecosystems ecology from both a theoretical and applied aspect. Prerequisite: BIOL 153  Co-requisite: BIOL 311L  4 credits

  • BIOL 311L - Principles of Ecology Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 311 . Co-requisite: BIOL 311   0 credits

  • BIOL 312 - Hematology

    Identification of normal and abnormal blood cells in various hematological disorders. Theory and application of hematology procedures. Theory and mechanisms of hemostasis. Morphologic examination of blood and bone marrow and laboratory testing used in hematological study. Prerequisite: BIOL 151 , BIOL 221  (or concurrent enrollment) BIOL 325  (or concurrent enrollment) Co-requisite: BIOL 312L  4 credits

  • BIOL 312L - Hematology Lab

    Laboratory experience to accompany BIOL 312 . Co-requisite: BIOL 312   0 credits

  • BIOL 325 - Physiology

    Basic cell physiology, neural, hormonal and neuroendocrine control systems. Coordinated body functions. Prerequisite: BIOL 151 , CHEM 112 , CHEM 114  Co-requisite: BIOL 325L  4 credits

  • BIOL 325L - Physiology Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 325 . Co-requisite: BIOL 325   0 credits

  • BIOL 331 - Microbiology

    This will be a study of the morphology and physiology of representatives of various groups of microorganisms, with emphasis on bacteria. Prerequisite: BIOL 151 , CHEM 112 , CHEM 114  Co-requisite: BIOL 331L  4 credits

  • BIOL 331L - Microbiology Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 331 . Co-requisite: BIOL 331   0 credits

  • BIOL 333 - Aquatic Ecology and Watershed Management

    This course will provide a detailed introduction to aquatic ecology and the field of watershed management. Selected topics include watershed ecology, ecosystem services, nonpoint source pollution, aquatic invasive species, and watershed planning, monitoring, and protection. Prerequisite: BIOL 151  or BIOL 211   Co-requisite: BIOL 333L   4 credits

  • BIOL 333L - Aquatic Ecology and Watershed Management Lab

    Laboratory experience to accompany BIOL 333 . Co-requisite: BIOL 333   0 credits

  • BIOL 343 - Cell and Molecular Biology

    Studies of structure, molecular composition, physiology, heredity and growth of cells form the contents of this course. Prerequisite: BIOL 151 , CHEM 114  Co-requisite: BIOL 343L  4 credits

  • BIOL 343L - Cell and Molecular Biology Lab

    Students will use practical applications and demonstrations to reinforce the lectures and discussions of BIOL 343 . Co-requisite: BIOL 343   0 credits

  • BIOL 345 - Biological Statistics I

    This course focuses on making sense of data, both quantitatively and conceptually. Topics include methods to describe data, inferential statistical methods, and regression modeling. Computer exercises will give students the opportunity to use software to analyze data. Prerequisite: BIOL 153 , BIOL 153L  and MATH 102  (C or higher) 3 credits

  • BIOL 346 - Biological Statistics II

    This course is a continuation of Biological Statistics I. Topics include methods applicable to proportions, comparisons of multiple groups, probability, multiple linear regression, and metrics used in epidemiology. Prerequisite: BIOL 345   3 credits

  • BIOL 351 - Plant Structure and Function

    Plant diversity (including algae and fungi); structure, function, and evolutionary relationships. Lecture-laboratory, six hours per week. Prerequisite: BIOL 153  Co-requisite: BIOL 351L  4 credits

  • BIOL 355 - Mammalogy

    Identification of game, fur bearing, and small mammals; taxonomy of these groups, life histories and habits, preparation of study skins and skeletons; special reference to those occurring in Northern Great Plains area. Prerequisite: BIOL 153 /BIOL 153L  Co-requisite: BIOL 355L  4 credits

  • BIOL 355L - Mammalogy Lab

    Lab to accompany BIOL 355  Co-requisite: BIOL 355  0 credits

  • BIOL 357 - Invertebrate Zoology

    A systematic study of the invertebrates, including their physical characteristics, relationships, life histories, and economic importance makes up the course. Prerequisite: BIOL 153  Co-requisite: BIOL 357L  4 credits

  • BIOL 357L - Invertebrate Zoology Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 357 . Co-requisite: BIOL 357   0 credits

  • BIOL 363 - Ornithology

    Identification of bird species; life histories, ecology, habits, and special structural and physiological adaptations of various groups. Prerequisite: BIOL 153  Co-requisite: BIOL 363L  4 credits

  • BIOL 363L - Ornithology Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 363 . Co-requisite: BIOL 363   0 credits

  • BIOL 365 - Vertebrate Zoology

    Structure and ways of life of the vertebrate classes. General anatomy, organ systems, and special characteristics of each class of vertebrates as well as detailed classification of the major Taxa down to the family level. Prerequisite: BIOL 153  Co-requisite: BIOL 365L  4 credits

  • BIOL 365L - Vertebrate Zoology Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 365 . Co-requisite: BIOL 365   0 credits

  • BIOL 371 - Genetics

    Principles governing the nature, transmission and function of hereditary material with application to plants, animals, humans, and microorganisms. Prerequisite: BIOL 151  Co-requisite: BIOL 371L  4 credits

  • BIOL 371L - Genetics Lab

    Laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 371   Co-requisite: BIOL 371   0 credits

  • BIOL 373 - Evolution

    This course provides an overview of biological evolution and its evidence, examines micro- and macro-evolutionary forces that drive biological diversity, and helps students understand the relevance of evolutionary theory in contemporary issues. Prerequisite: BIOL 153   Co-requisite: BIOL 373L   4 credits

  • BIOL 373L - Evolution Lab

    Laboratory experiences to complement the lectures and discussions in BIOL 373  make up this course. 0 credits

  • BIOL 383 - Bioethics

    Ethical, social and policy dilemmas in medicine and biology. 3 credits

  • BIOL 391 - Independent Study

    Includes directed study, problems, readings, directed readings, special problems and special projects. Students complete individualized plans of study which include significant one-on-one student/teacher involvement. The faculty member and students negotiate the details of the study plans. Enrollments are usually three or fewer students. Meetings depend upon the requirements of the topic. 1-4 credits

  • BIOL 392 - Topics

    A course devoted to a particular issue in a specified field. Course content is not wholly included in the regular curriculum. Guest artists or experts may serve as instructors. Enrollments are usually 10 or fewer students with significant one-on-one student-teacher involvement. 1-4 credits

  • BIOL 405 - Entomology

    An introduction to the general biology and classification of insects. Course emphasis placed on taxonomy, methods of identification, and ecological role of insects. Students will become familiar with basic insect anatomy and morphology, classification of the order level with exemplary families that include Taxa of agricultural or environmental interest, and acquire an ability to sight recognize particular species that have agricultural, environmental, wildlife, and human/livestock health importance. Field trips and a collection are required. Co-requisite: BIOL 405L   4 credits

  • BIOL 407 - Plants and Civilization

    Plants occupy a central role in the establishment and maintenance of human civilizations. This course examines the historical and current uses of plants in human societies. Included are subjects such as the origins and agriculture, plants used for spices and flavorings, plants in religion, plants used as hallucinogenic drugs, medicinal plants, plants used in the manufacture of alcoholic beverages, plants used in the construction of shelters, the influence of plants on the quality of the environment, and special case studies of plants that changed the course of human history. Prerequisite: BIOL 151  & BIOL 153   Co-requisite: BIOL 407L   4 credits

  • BIOL 407L - Plants and Civilization Lab

    This course is the laboratory experience that accompanies BIOL 407 . 0 credits

  • BIOL 411 - Gross Anatomy

    A complete dissection of the human subject will be performed. Enrollment is limited and requires instructor approval. Prerequisite: 3.0 GPA, BIOL 221 , BIOL 221L . 4 credits

  • BIOL 420 - Introduction to Biostatistics/Computational Biology

    This course will provide students with an introduction to basic statistical methods and various computational techniques used in biology. Elementary statistical methods presented will include the normal distribution, hypothesis testing, t-tests, ANOVA, regression and correlation. Laboratory exercises and computer demonstrations will provide students with the opportunity to use various software and hardware in the collection, organization, and analysis of data. Prerequisite: BIOL 151  & BIOL 153   - minimum grade of C in both Co-requisite: BIOL 420L   3 credits


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