Feb 10, 2025
NSU Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Management (BS)
In addition to being offered on Northern State University’s main campus (Aberdeen, SD), this major is also available online.
Exit Requirements for Business Majors
In addition to Northern State University graduation requirements, baccalaureate business majors must: - Complete a minimum of 30 semester hours of course work in the School of Business at Northern State University. Acceptance of course work completed at other colleges and universities will be evaluated by the Dean.
- Take School of Business exit exam
Program Requirements
Students majoring in management must also complete business core courses and meet School of Business exit requirements. Choose one emphasis: (9 credits)
Entrepreneurship Emphasis:
General Management Emphasis:
Choose three courses from the list below. May not be taken with either Entrepreneurship or Leadership Emphases. Supply Chain Management Emphasis
General Education Requirements
Baccalaureate degrees - 30 credits Associate degrees - 24 credits Goal #1: Written Communication (6 credits Baccalaureate/Associate)
Student enrollment in the initial English course is determined by the Board of Regents placement policy (2:7.6). Goal #2: Oral Communcation (3 credits Baccalaureate/Associate)
Goal #3: Social Sciences (6 credits Baccalaureate/3 credits Associate)
Elementary Education majors and Special Education majors must take POLS 100 , GEOG 210 , and HIST 151 or HIST 152 . Goal #4: Arts and Humanities (6 credits Baccalaureate/3 credits Associate)
Goal #5: Mathematics (3 credits Baccalaureate/Associate)
Student enrollment in the initial Mathematics course is determined by the Board of Regents placement policy (2:7.6). Goal #6: Natural Sciences (6 credits Baccalaureate/3 Credits Associate)
Associate Degree Flexibility (3 credits)
Students have the flexibility to select an additional three credits from Goal #3, #4, or #6 with courses selected from different disciplinary prefixes. Degree Requirements (BS) - 9 credits
Quantitative Course (3 credits)
A course in Mathematics with a pre-requisites of MATH 114 or higher Additional Course (3 credits)
Total Degree: 120 Credits