NSU Catalog 2019-2020 
    Feb 12, 2025  
NSU Catalog 2019-2020 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Academic Information


A student is eligible to enroll in classes once the application file is complete and she or he has been accepted. Current students may register for classes the following semester during a registration period. Transfer and re-entry students enroll by appointment any time after the registration period for enrolled students. New freshmen are invited to the campus on selected spring and summer dates for academic advising and enrollment. New freshmen who are unable to come to the campus during scheduled preregistration may enroll by appointment.

During the Fall registration period, students may enroll in spring and summer classes. During the Spring registration period, students may enroll for the next academic year-fall and spring classes.

Registration consists of program planning with an advisor and enrolling in a schedule of classes. Registration is completed when fees are paid at the beginning of each term. Fall and spring terms also require completion of online Attendance Confirmation. Enrollment and fee payment deadlines are published in the online class schedule for each semester or summer session. Students who have not completed registration with fee payment and attendance confirmation by the published deadline may have their class schedule canceled.

Auditors. Students may audit any course with permission of the instructor. An auditor is not permitted to take an examination for credit and must pay the regular tuition rate. Auditors pay all fees usually collected for the course. Veterans and dependents may not receive educational benefits for audited courses. Decision to audit a class must be processed prior to the end of the add/drop period. Courses audited will be recorded on the academic transcript with a notation of AU. Audited courses are counted in the calculations of overloads, but are not counted toward full-time student status. Auditors are not eligible for financial assistance.

Registration Changes. Students may add and drop classes within time frames published for each semester on the class schedule website. Changes will not be permitted after the published deadline.

Late Enrollment. Students who enroll after the final scheduled registration day must pay a late fee. The schedule of charges is included in the section of this catalog relating to Tuition, Fees and Expenses .

Program Planning

A bachelor’s degree program consists of system general education courses, degree requirements, major requirements, optional minor requirements and general electives required to meet the minimum hours for graduation. The Registrar’s Office will provide the student and advisor with a program evaluation detailing the selected curriculum and program via our student record system. Substitutions in major or minor must be approved by the appropriate department coordinator and substitutions in other program requirements must be approved by the Registrar.

An official program approval must be filed with the Registrar’s Office once a student makes a firm decision on an academic program. The program evaluation generated from the official program approval will detail the requirements for graduation.

Academic Load

The unit of credit is a semester hour representing one lecture period a week for the semester. Three hours of laboratory work is considered the equivalent of one hour of lecture. For each hour of credit, a student should expect to spend up to three hours a week in class or study.

Undergraduate. The recommended student load is 15 semester hours with a maximum of 18 semester hours. Students with a grade point average above 2.70 or higher may enroll for a maximum of 19 semester hours. The recommended student load is 6 semester hours for each 5-week summer session with a maximum of 8. Any enrollment above these maximum load limits is considered to be an overload and requires permission of the advisor and appropriate academic administrator.

For financial aid eligibility, athletic eligibility, deferments and enrollment verification, full-time undergraduate enrollment is 12 semester hours; three-quarter enrollment is 9 to 11.5 semester hours; and half-time enrollment is 6 to 8.5 semester hours. All enrollments for interim and summer sessions are combined when determining enrollment status for summer school.

Graduate. The recommended graduate student load is 9 semester hours. Students may exceed 9 hours with permission of the Director of Graduate Studies. For financial aid eligibility, deferments and enrollment verification purposes, full-time graduate enrollment is 9 semester hours; three-quarter enrollment is 7 to 8 semester hours; and half-time is 5 to 6 semester hours. All enrollments for interim and summer sessions are combined when determining enrollment status for summer school. The maximum for summer is 6 credits per session; 7 for CGPS program.

Classification of Students

Freshmen must have met all entrance requirements and have earned fewer than 30 semester hours of college credit.

Sophomores must have earned at least 30 but fewer than 60 semester hours of college credit.

Juniors must have earned at least 60 but fewer than 90 semester hours of college credit.

Seniors must have earned at least 90 semester hours of college credit.

For purposes of registration, social activities, publications, etc., classification will be determined by the total credits earned by a student at the close of the previous semester.

Special students are those who have been admitted to the university but are not candidates for a specific degree. Students who are not seeking a degree at NSU are not eligible for financial aid.

Grades and Grade Point Averages

Undergraduate Grades will be assigned to the undergraduate academic levels and to all courses and sections with course numbers ranging from 001 to 499. Plus or minus grades are not used. Grades are recorded at the end of each semester as follows:

A Exceptional 4.00 grade points per semester hour
B Above Average 3.00 grade points per semester hour
C Average 2.00 grade points per semester hour
D Lowest Passing Grade 1.00 grade points per semester hour
F Failure 0.00 grade points per semester hour
S Satisfactory Does not calculate into any gpa
U Unsatisfactory Does not calculate into any gpa
RI Incomplete (Remedial) Does not calculate into any gpa
RS Satisfactory (Remedial) Does not calculate into any gpa
RU Unsatisfactory (Remedial) Does not calculate into any gpa
W Withdrawal Does not calculate into any gpa, no credit granted
WD Withdrawal (First 6 Courses) Does not calculate into any gpa, no credit granted
WW Withdrawal (All Courses) Does not calculate into any gpa, no credit granted
WFL Withdrawal (7th Course or higher) 0.0 grade points per semester hour
AU Audit Does not calculate into any gpa
I Incomplete Does not calculate into any gpa
IP In Progress Does not calculate into any gpa
SP Satisfactory Progress Does not calculate into any gpa
EX Credit by Exams Does not calculate into any gpa
CR Credit Does not calculate into any gpa
TR Note for NSE/MEDT Does not calculate into any gpa
LR Lab grade linked to Recitation Grade 0 credit course
NG No Grade 0 credit tracking course
NR Grade not Reported by Instructor Does not calculate into any gpa
Grade* Academic Amnesty Does not calculate into any gpa, no credit given

An audit (AU) grade may be granted only when the student has elected the AU option on or prior to the census date of the term.

A credit (CR) grade may be granted only for non-course credit that is not related to an examination or to equating transfer grades to the BOR grading system. This grade is not used for any Regental university course.

An examination for credit (EX) grade may be granted only for non-course credit validation obtained through a validation process. This grade is not used for any Regental university course.

An incomplete (I) grade may be granted only when all of the following conditions apply:

  1. A student has encountered extenuating circumstances that do not permit him/her to complete the course.
  2. The student must be earning a passing grade at the time the Incomplete is necessitated. Anticipated course failure is not a justification for an incomplete.
  3. The student does not have to repeat the course to meet the requirements.
  4. The instructor must agree to grant an incomplete grade.
  5. The instructor and student must agree on a plan to complete the coursework.
  6. The coursework must be completed within one semester, extensions may be granted by the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  7. If the student completes the course within the specified time, the grades that may be assigned are A, B., C, D, F, S, RS, RU,  or U.
  8. If the student does not complete the course within the specified time, the grade assigned will be F (Failure) or U (Unsatisfactory) or RU (Remedial Unsatisfactory) if the student had requested S/U within the time specified in BOR policy 2:6:9.

An in progress (IP) grade may be granted only when all of the following conditions apply:

  1. The requirement for the course (for every student enrolled in the course) extend beyond the current term.
  2. The extension beyond the current term must be defined before the class begins.
  3. The instructor must request permission to award IP grades for a course from their Department Head or Dean, and then approval must be obtained from the Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  4. A definite date for completion of the course must be established in the course syllabus.

A grade of NG will be used only with those course sections that are designated as Tracking/Program Sustaining (Q) and those that are assigned the code for Master’s Research Problems/Projects Sustaining, Thesis Sustaining, or Dissertation Sustaining (U).

Remedial grades (RI, RS, RU) may be granted only for courses numbered 001 to 099.

A Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory (S/U) grade may be granted only when the entire course requires the S/U grade or the student has elected the S/U option on or prior to the census date of the term.

A satisfactory progress (SP) grade may be granted only for students enrolled in MATH 095. If the grade of SP is awarded the following conditions apply:

  1. The grade is an alternative to RS or RU.
  2. The student must have made satisfactory progress during the course but the student did not develop mastery of all the required content. If the student successfully mastered the materials, the grade of RS should be assigned. If progress was not made,  the grade of RU should be assigned.

Beginning with the Fall 2015 term, a grade of withdrawal (WD) may be assigned only six times during the student’s undergraduate career. If the student drops additional classes, a grade of WFL will be assigned. Withdrawal grades assigned to continuously enrolled students prior to this term will not count against the limit. Additionally, those withdrawal grades assigned at a non-Regental institution prior to entry as a transfer student will not be counted against the six course limits. This limit does not include W grades assigned if a student withdraws from all classes in a given tern, which will be assigned a WW grade. The campus chief academic officer may make exceptions to this requirement in those cases where there are unique factors.

NSU must record the last date of academic activity whenever reporting a final grade of F, U, or RU.  Academically related activities include but are not limited to:

  • physically attending a class where there is an opportunity for direct interaction between the instructor and students;
  • submitting an academic assignment;
  • taking an exam, an interactive tutorial or computer-assisted instruction;
  • attending a study group that is assigned by the school;
  • participating in an online discussion about academic matters; or
  • initiating contact with a faculty member to ask a question about the academic subject studied in the course.
Definition and Calculation of Grade Point Averages

A grade point average (GPA) is calculated by dividing total honor points for completed courses by total hours attempted (registered courses after the final add/drop date). If a course is repeated, only the final grade of the most recent course is computed in the GPA although all grades will appear on the transcript. Only courses for which A-F grades are assigned are computed in the GPA.

The following grade point averages are calculated each academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer):

  • Institutional GPA - based on credits eared at a specific Regental university. Utilized to determine if degree requirements have been met and to determine Honors Designation at graduation.
  • System Term GPA - based on credits earned at any of the six Regental universities within a given academic term (Fall, Spring, Summer). Utilized to determine minimum progression status.
  • Transfer GPA - based on credits earned and officially transferred from an accredited college or university outside the Regental system. When a letter grade that normally calculates into the grade point average exists for a non-academic course (e.g., credit earned via examination), it will be included in the transfer GPA.
  • Cumulative GPA - based on all credits earned by the student (transfer credit plus system credit). Utilized to determine minimum progression status and to determine if degree requirements have been met and to determine Honors Designation at graduation.

When a course has been repeated for credit, all attempts will be entered on the transcript but the last grade earned will be used in the calculation of the cumulative grade point average.

Minimum Progression Standards  (Board of Regents Policy 2:10)
Class Credit Hour Range GPA Standard
Freshman 0-29.99 1.8
Sophomore 30-59.99 1.8
Junior 60-89.99 2.0
Senior 90+ 2.0

Minimum progression standards and related actions are based on the student’s cumulative grade point average and system term grade point average.

  1. Good Academic Standing. A student who meets or exceeds the cumulative grade point average requirements listed above is considered to be in good academic standing. The required GPAs are based on class level. Students who have taken more credit hours are expected to meet a higher GPA standard.
  2. When a student on academic probation achieves a cumulative grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard for his/her class level, the student is returned to good academic standing.
  3. Academic Suspension: A student on academic probation who fails to maintain a term grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard required of his/her class level is placed on academic suspension for a minimum period of two academic terms.
  4. A student on academic suspension will not be allowed to enroll for any coursework at any Regental university except when an appeal has been approved by the Regental university from which the student is pursuing a degree. An approved appeal granted by one Regental university will be honored by all Regental universities. Also refer to BOR policy 2:3, Section C.9.7 Students on Probation/Suspension.
  5. Only Academic Suspension will be entered on the student’s transcript. Academic probation will be noted in the internal academic record only.
  6. Students enrolling in the Regental system for the first time with prior credit, including internal and external transfer students and dual credit students, shall not be placed on probation by their designated home institution until they have been enrolled at a Regental university for one (1) academic term.

Academic Amnesty

The goal of academic amnesty is to respond to the academic needs of matured individuals as they develop newly identified potential. Through the application of academic amnesty, the student’s prior academic record can be excluded from current work under certain circumstances.


The student must:

  1. be an undergraduate, full-time, degree-seeking student at one of the universities in South Dakota Regental system.
  2. not have been enrolled in any Post-secondary institution for a minimum of three consecutive terms (including only Fall and/or Spring terms) prior to the most recent admission to the home institution. Exceptions may be granted in rare cases only by the BOR Vice President for Academic Affairs upon recommendation by the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs.
  3. have completed a minimum of 24 graded credit hours taken at any Regental university with a minimum grade point average of 2.0 for the 24 credit hours after the most recent admission to the home institution.
  4. not have earned a baccalaureate degree from any university.
  5. not have been granted any prior academic amnesty at any Regental university.
  6. submit a formal Academic Amnesty Petition to their home university following the procedures established by that university.


  1. Academic amnesty does not apply to individual courses. Academic amnesty may be requested for either (a) all previous post-secondary education courses, or (b) all previous post-secondary education courses at a specific institution, or (c) a specified time period not to exceed one academic year (fall/spring) completed at any post-secondary institution(s).
  2. Academic amnesty, if granted, shall not be rescinded.
  3. Courses for which academic amnesty is granted will:
    1. remain on the student’s permanent record.
    2. be recorded on the student’s undergraduate transcript with the original grade followed by an asterisk (*).
    3. not be included in the calculation of the student’s grade point average because no credit is given.
    4. not be used to satisfy any of the graduation requirements of the current degree program.
  4. Academic amnesty decisions will be made by the student’s home institution, will be honored by all programs within the home institutions, and will be honored by all other institutions within the South Dakota Regental system.
  5. Universities outside of the South Dakota Regental system are not bound by the academic amnesty decisions made by the South Dakota Regental system.
  6. Regental graduate programs and graduate professional schools may consider all previous undergraduate course work when making admission decisions.

Academic Misconduct

Please see BOR Policy 2:33 and the corresponding Map of Policy.

Incompletes and Withdrawals

Incomplete. The grade of “incomplete” (I or RI) may be assigned to a student at an instructor’s discretion. The incomplete grade allows a student to complete a course without repeating the semester’s work. It may not be assigned when a definite grade can be given for the work done. The incomplete grade is given to indicate that some part of the work has, for good reason, not been completed, while the rest has been satisfactorily completed. Whenever a grade of I or RI is assigned, the instructor is required to submit an incomplete grade request form indicating the circumstances of the incomplete, including the deadline (extension date) for removing the I or RI, which must be not later than one semester from the end of the semester in which the incomplete is given. Exceptions to the time limit include courses designated as workshop, practicum, internship, independent study, independent research, seminar, thesis, or project paper. The limit can be extended with the instructor filing Extension of Incomplete Grade with the Registrar.

The course instructor files a Request for Grade Change form with the Registrar to remove the I or RI grade once the student has completed all course requirements. A grade of I or RI that is not removed by the deadline converts to an F or RU. Should the student re-enroll in a course in which the I or RI has been recorded, the grade received for the re-enrollment is computed for grade point average and graduation purposes and tuition and fees are again charged. Any student with an I or RI on his/her record cannot be considered for academic honors for that term.

Withdrawal. Withdrawal is initiated by the student contacting the Registrar’s Office. Withdrawal forms are obtained from this office or found on myNSU and processed through the Registrar’s Office.

  • If a student withdraws before the start of the term, registration is canceled. Nothing will appear on the student’s transcript and all charges will be removed.
  • If a student withdraws by the census date of the term (within the first 10% of the term), the student dropped from enrollments. A notation that the student withdrew will appear on the transcript rather than the list of classes.
  • If a student withdraws after census through the 70% point of the classes, WW grades will be received for each class.

Students may not withdraw from school after the 70% point of the semester or class. Veterans and dependents must consult with the proper authorities if they want their educational benefits to continue up to the date of withdrawal.

Students who voluntarily withdraw from NSU may be entitled to a partial refund of tuition and fees. Refunds to students who received financial aid will be applied to the financial aid programs from which the student received assistance.

A grade of W is assigned for all classes when a student is administratively withdrawn from school. An administrative withdrawal can be processed for non-attendance, disciplinary action, or non-payment of financial obligations. The student will be notified by the Registrar when an administrative withdrawal is processed.


Students will be allowed a total of three (3) takes for undergraduate courses (course number 001-499) for which credit is only counted toward graduation once. The student must petition the Provost/Vice President of Academic Affairs for permission to take an undergraduate course more than three times. When a student repeats a course, only the latter grade (and credits), even if it is a lower grade, is used in the computation of the grade point average. If the last grade is a failing grade earlier credit will be lost as well. All grades remain on the transcript.

Students will be allowed unlimited takes for an undergraduate course for which credit toward graduation may be received more than once (e.g., Independent Study, Thesis). All takes will count in grade point average calculations. Individual departments/majors may limit the number of credits allowed toward graduation in certain courses.

The Audit (AU) grade is the only grade that will not be counted as a take of a course. All other grades, including a Withdraw (W, WD, WW), will count as a take of a course.

Transfer courses and non-courses (e.g., CLEP, credit by exam) will count as a take of a course.

Policy to Appeal Transfer of Credit Decision

Students who wish to appeal transfer of credit decisions made at the faculty level do so as follows.

  1. Make an appointment to discuss appeal of transfer credit decision with academic advisor.
  2. Fill out a “Request for Change in Transfer Equivalent” form for each course that the student would like to appeal the transfer equivalency on.
  3. Turn in the “Request for Change in Transfer Equivalent” form along with supporting documentation, such as a course syllabus or letter from instructor of the transfer course to the department secretary of the course you are appealing. (i.e., if the course you are appealing is a business course, turn in the form to the School of Business department’s secretary.)
  4. The Chair of the department will review the form and supporting documentation provided by the student and either approve the request as a one-time change or a change to all future transfers of that course.  The Chair may also deny the request.
  5. The form and documentation is then forwarded to the Registrar’s Office where the credit will be updated if approved and an email of appeal decision is sent to the student and advisor.

Scholarship and Academic Honors

Graduation honors will be determined on cumulative and institutional grade point average. Students who have earned an average of 3.50 honor points shall be graduated cum laude (baccalaureate) or with honor (associate). Those who earn 3.70 honor points shall be graduated magna cum laude (baccalaureate) or with high honor (associate) and those earning 3.90 honor points for each semester hour shall be graduated summa cum laude (baccalaureate) or with highest honor (associate). Honors are only awarded to students who have completed at least 60 semester hours credit (baccalaureate) or at least 30 semester hours credit (associate) in residence.

Based on grade point average at the end of the term prior to graduation and anticipated total credits, qualified students become “candidates for honor,” and will be recognized in the commencement program. Final graduation honors are determined after all requirements have been met and will be shown on the diploma.

Full-time undergraduate degree-seeking students with a system honor point average of 3.50 or better for the semester shall be placed on the Dean’s List. Students must have earned a minimum of 12 non-remedial credits during the term. Students with F, U, RU, RI or I grades are not eligible regardless of system term GPA attained.

Part-time undergraduate students with a system honor point average of 3.50 or better for the semester shall receive Academic Recognition for Part-Time Students. Students must have completed at least twelve (12) credit hours prior to the current semester at one or more Regental institutions. Student must have earned at least three (3) and up to eleven (11) graded (A-F) credit hours during the term. Student with F, U, RU, OR I grades are not eligible regardless of system term GPA attained.

The Order of Maroon and Gold is an academic honor awarded during the spring semester to students who meet the following criteria:

  1. must be currently enrolled in a minimum of 12 credit hours,
  2. have a 3.50 cumulative GPA for all college work including transfer credit,
  3. have at least a 3.50 GPA during the two preceding semesters at Northern State University,
  4. have passed at least 12 semester hours in each of the two preceding semesters at Northern State University, and
  5. been classified as a junior during one of the current semesters (fall-spring).

Graduation Requirements

Candidates for a baccalaureate degree may graduate upon the completion of: major and minor requirements as defined in the catalog in effect at the time of initial registration in residence in a degree seeking program or in any subsequent catalog under which they have enrolled. Students who discontinue enrollment at any Regental University for more than two consecutive semesters are assigned the catalog in effect at the time of re-enrollment as their catalog of graduation. No degree is granted on the basis of requirements listed in a catalog issued more than ten years prior to the date of graduation. The Registrar, in cooperation with departmental faculty, will evaluate coursework completed under a lapsed catalog of graduation for relevance.

The South Dakota Department of Education regularly changes certification requirements. Any requirement changed and reflected in a catalog subsequent to initial registration will be required of the student in order for the student to be certified to teach in South Dakota.

Degrees are officially conferred at the close of each semester. Candidates for degrees or certificates must make formal application for graduation in the Registrar’s Office in the semester prior to the semester of graduation. The student must be enrolled for all remaining academic requirements at the time of application and must have at least a 1.95 GPA.

Summary of Graduation Requirements

Before graduating, a student must:

  1. Apply for graduation and a degree audit with the Office of the Registrar via Self Service Banner.
  2. Satisfy all financial obligations with the University.
  3. Complete the following University requirements:
  1. At least 120 hours for a baccalaureate degree, or at least 60 hours for an associate degree. A student must have earned both cumulative, Northern (institutional) and major grade point averages of at least 2.00. For purposes of major gpa, all credits used to complete course and credit requirements of the major as well as related courses are included. Certain degree programs have higher minimum grade point averages. In addition, some majors require a minimum grade of “C” in each course used to meet major requirements. (See program descriptions for details.)

Minimum major Requirements above 2.0 are as follows:

BA English 2.50 cumulative, minimum C in major requirements
BA History 2.50 cumulative, minimum C in major requirements
BS Medical Laboratory Science 2.80
BSEd/BME programs 2.70 minimum cumulative and in major requirements
BA/BSEd Art minimum C in major requirements

BA Communication Studies minimum C in major requirements

BA Criminal Justice minimum C in major requirements

BA Political Science minimum C in major requirements

BA Sociology minimum C in major requirements

  1. A minimum of 36 semester hours of credit in courses numbered 300 and above (upper division), for a baccalaureate degree. A minimum of 32 upper division credits are required for the BGS in General Studies.
  2. Institutional credit is credit offered by Northern State University. A minimum of 30 credit hours must be earned in institutional credit for a baccalaureate degree; 15 for an associate degree. Fifteen of the last 30 hours earned preceding completion of the baccalaureate degree must be earned in institutional credit; 8 of the last 15 hours for an associate degree. A minimum of 50% of credit hours in the discipline must be completed in institutional credit. However, this requirement may be waived for students enrolled in the set of majors offered at the system’s centers which include in the established programs of study common courses offered by one of the other Regental Universities. In addition, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs may make exceptions to this requirement for individuals based on the student’s prior learning experiences.
  3. Complete all work as outlined to satisfy requirements pertaining to the major and/or minor.
  4. All students are required to fulfill the proficiency examination requirements as specified by the South Dakota Board of Regents (Board Policy 2:28).
  5. Baccalaureate candidates must complete the appropriate exit exam in the major field. Test results will not affect graduation status but participation is required for graduation.
  6. Maximum of 8 credits PE 100, PE 210 may be applied toward a baccalaureate degree.

Any student who fails to successfully complete all remaining requirements in the semester of graduation must apply for graduation again in a subsequent semester. All graduation requirements including incomplete grades and all correspondence courses must be completed by the verification deadline or the student will be required to reapply.

Catalog of Graduation for Undergraduate Students - Board of Regents Policy 2:17:4.

  1. The catalog of graduation begins with the summer term and ends with the subsequent spring term.
  2. Every student is required to have a catalog of graduation. New and transfer students are assigned the catalog in effect at the time of their initial enrollment at the university from which they are seeking a degree. Students may elect a catalog of graduation that is later than their initial catalog but may not elect a catalog of graduation that is earlier than their initial catalog.
  3. In order to receive a degree, a student must meet the program requirements listed in his/her catalog of graduation.
  4. Students who discontinue enrollment at any Regental university for more than two consecutive semesters are assigned the catalog in effect at the time of their re-enrollment as their catalog of graduation.
  5. Students are considered to be in a continuous enrollment for purposes of the catalog of graduation so long as any break in enrollment any Regental university is for two or fewer consecutive semesters (excluding summer) and students maintain their degree status at the same Regental university.
  6. Students who change their degree seeking status from one Regental university to another Regental university are assigned the catalog of graduation that corresponds to the term they are admitted to their new degree granting university.

Majors/Minors/Certificates/Additional Majors

Majors: Each degree candidate must select the work of one department or discipline as a major subject and must complete all requirements as set out by the major department and detailed in their program evaluation. Any deviation from this requires the written consent of the chair of the department and the dean of the relevant college or school.

Minors: Students may pursue minors outside the college/school of their major program. They must declare the addition of a minor via a program approval form, signed by their advisor/department and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Completed minors will appear on the student’s transcript upon graduation. Minors will not be added if they are embedded in the major requirements.

Certificates: Certificates are stand alone programs and upon completion will be noted on the student’s transcript. Students who complete a certificate may later transition this to a minor or major. Students completing a major cannot retroactively add notation of certificates if embedded in the major requirements.

Additional Majors: Students pursuing more than one major must complete all requirements for all majors selected as set forth by the academic units involved. When the majors are offered within the same degree program structure, students complete the requirements for only one degree, and only one degree is awarded. Students wishing to complete two undergraduate majors that are offered under different degrees, must complete all requirements for each related degree, and two separate degrees are awarded.

Additional Baccalaureate Degrees

A student who earned a baccalaureate degree from Northern State University or another regionally accredited college or university may receive an additional bachelor’s degree at a later time in a different major. Such a student continues to be classified as an undergraduate student and must meet these requirements:

  1. Completion of all System General Education Requirements and Degree Requirements. Beyond major/minor, one or more of these requirement categories must necessitate new course work. This distinguishes second degree from second major.
  2. Completion of all requirements for the new major as delineated in the current catalog of graduation. A previous minor may be transitioned to a new major. At least 50% of the course work comprising the major must be earned at Northern State University.
  3. Completion of all requirements for a minor if required by second degree; the student may not transition a former major to a new minor.
  4. Minimum number of new (that is, earned after first baccalaureate degree was earned) credit hours that must be completed at Northern State University: 30.

Simultaneous degrees. Students wishing to complete two undergraduate majors that are not both offered in the same curriculum must complete both curricula corresponding to the declared major, resulting in the completion of two baccalaureate degrees. For two degrees to be awarded during the same commencement, all requirements for both degrees must be met.

Completion of a second degree will not be allowed when both majors can be awarded under the same degree.

Adding Teacher Certification

A student holding a bachelor’s degree from Northern State University or a student with a bachelor’s degree from another accredited institution may seek teacher certification through the NSU School of Education. This program is limited to 7-12 and K-12 teacher education programs and does not include certification in special education. In order to be admitted to the certification only program, the candidate must meet teacher education admission requirements (see teacher education in this catalog) and pass the Praxis II content exam in his/her major as specified by the SDDOE.

The candidate must complete all teacher certification courses including the appropriate special methods course and a ten week student teaching experience. Upon satisfactory completion of the Praxis II Principles of Learning and Teaching exam and other program requirements, the candidate is eligible to receive a recommendation for the applicable teaching certification in the State of South Dakota.

Academic Probation and Suspension

Probation. Students will be placed on academic probation at the end of a term (summer is a term) in which the student’s cumulative grade point average falls below minimum progression standard as follows:

Minimum Progression Standards  (Board of Regents Policy 2:10)
Class Credit Hour Range GPA Standard
Freshman 0-29.99 1.8
Sophomore 30-59.99 1.8
Junior 60-89.99 2.0
Senior 90+ 2.0

Students enrolling in the Regental system for the first time with prior credit, including internal and external transfer students and dual credit students, shall not be placed on probation by their designated home institution until they have been enrolled at a Regental university for one (1) academic term. Re-entry transfers who left Northern on academic probation and return at a later time with a good academic record (meet the minimum progression standards) from another accredited institution will no longer be on probation. Students will remain on probation until their cumulative GPA reaches the minimum progression standards.

Suspension. A student on academic probation who fails to maintain a term grade point average that meets or exceeds the GPA standard required of his/her class level is placed on academic probation for a minimum period of two academic terms. A student on academic suspension will not be allowed to enroll for any coursework at any Regental university except when an appeal has been approved by the Regental University from which the student is pursuing a degree. An approved appeal granted by one Regental university will be honored by all Regental universities. Also refer to BOR policy 2.3, Section C.9.7 Students on Probation/Suspension.

Notification and Reinstatement Appeal Process. Students will be notified they are on probation by letter to their NSU email at the end of the term. Notification of suspension will be made by letter and email from the dean of the student’s major area of study or by the Registrar. Appeals for reinstatement may be made by submitting an Appeal for Reinstatement form to the Registrar’s Office explaining extenuating circumstances. Appeals are reviewed by the dean of the student’s major area of study who may require a meeting with the student to discuss the situation. Appeals for Reinstatement are separate from appeals of financial aid suspension. Appeals for Reinstatement must be submitted no later than the first day of the term for which the appeal applies. The form is available at the NSU Registrar’s Office or at myNSU.

Transfer Students. Students enrolling in the Regental system for the first time with prior credit, including internal and external transfer students and dual credit students, shall not be placed on probation by their designated home institution until they have enrolled at a Regental university for one (1) academic term.

Academic Petitions. If a student has extenuating circumstances that caused them to miss a drop/add deadline, or to need an exception to an academic policy, an Academic Petition may be submitted. Available on myNSU, students should complete and submit to the Registrar’s Office. Petitions are reviewed on a regular basis. Students are expected to clearly articulate their request and circumstances and provide supporting documentation.


A transcript of a student’s academic record will be sent when requested in writing directly to a college registrar, public school superintendent, or other employing officer. Students may be given an unofficial transcript for their own use, but it is not valid for transferring credit to another college. Official transcripts are available at the Registrar’s Office for $9 per copy.

Class Absence Policies

Northern State University faculty members develop their own policies on class attendance. Copies of the instructor’s attendance policy must be distributed to students within the first week of each course. The policy should be stated in terms of the objectives of the course and should address student absences due to family or individual emergencies, student illness, weather conditions, college-related activities, cutting class and any other conditions. The instructor should also include policies regarding make-up work and how attendance (and/or absence) will affect grades. If a student believes an attendance policy is unfair, he or she may follow the Student Academic Grievance Procedure outlined in the Student Handbook.

The Office of Student Affairs will notify professors only when students must be absent from class due to a death in the family, hospitalization or other illness expected to exceed three class days. Notification merely provides information and does not validate the reason given for the absence. When a student is absent from class because of a Northern State University activity, the Provost/Vice President for Academic Affairs will, at the request of the sponsoring faculty or staff member, notify the student’s instructors that he or she is permitted to make up the work.

Interstate Passport Program

The Interstate Passport program enables successful transfer of a block of lower-level general education courses to other institutions participating in the Interstate Passport Network. Students who complete the system Gen Ed Core at Northern State University with a minimum C grade in each course, will earn an Interstate Passport. If transferring to another school in the network (including other SD state universities), the student will not be required to repeat or take additional courses to meet lower-division general education in the nine (9) Passport Learning Outcome areas.

The nine (9) Learning Outcome areas that make up the Interstate Passport are:

  • Oral communication
  • Written communication
  • Quantitative literacy
  • Natural sciences
  • Human cultures
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative expression
  • Teamwork and value systems
  • Human society and the individual

Once all of the required general education courses have been completed, students will be notified by the Registrar’s Office that they have earned the Interstate Passport. Requirements vary among institutions, so it is recommended student contact their academic advising office to help them get started.

More information may be found by clicking on the Interstate Passport Program.

Academic Services

Disability Services. The Office of Disabilities Services is open 40 hours a week to assist students with various needs as mandated by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. Possible accommodations include but are not limited to classroom accessibility, adaptive testing, note taking services, readers, taped textbooks and tutoring services. Phone: (605) 626-2371.

Tutoring Services. The tutoring program, Dacotah Hall Room 201, offers academic assistance related to regularly scheduled coursework. Peer tutors are available for a variety of courses in many subject areas. Phone: (605) 626-2633.

Library. The Beulah Williams Library’s mission is, “Quality resources to enhance student learning and enrich the NSU community.” To this end, the librarians and library staff provide a wide range of services to assist students, faculty, and staff in accessing and evaluating information and in the use of the library resources. Phone: (605) 626-2645

Math Center. The Northern State University Math Center, in Dacotah Hall Room 209, offers assistance to all students at no charge. Phone: (605) 626-7782.

Reading Center. The Northern State University Reading Center, in Dacotah Hall Room 209, offers assistance to all students at no charge. Phone: (605) 626-3427.

Writing Center. Northern State University’s Writing Center, in Dacotah Hall Room 208, offers noncredit assistance to all students at no charge. Phone: (605) 626-7782

Honors Program

The Honors Program is for academically talented and highly motivated students. The Honors Program offers students a chance to challenge themselves and enhance their Northern experience. Honors students benefit by taking Honors general education classes, which are small classes taught by outstanding faculty. Honors students also engage in undergraduate research and have opportunities for service and travel.

Baccalaureate degree students who successfully complete the Honors Program graduate with the university’s highest distinction, In Honoribus. To graduate In Honoribus, students must be enrolled in the Honors program, complete 18 credit hours in Honors courses, complete an Honors thesis or project, and maintain a 3.5 overall grade point average.

First year and transfer students who have an ACT of 28 or above are automatically admitted to the NSU Honors Program. First year and transfer students who have an ACT between 24 and 27 and who rank in or near the top 25% of their high school graduating class are invited to apply to the NSU Honors Program. Northern State University students who are currently enrolled and have completed 30 credit hours with a 3.5 GPA are also invited to apply to the Honors Program. Applications for the NSU Honors Program are available on the NSU website under Honors Program.

For further information about the NSU Honors Program, please contact the Director of the NSU Honors Program, Dr. Erin H. Fouberg in Tech Center 361 or at Erin.Fouberg@northern.edu.

HON 190 - Honors Leadership Seminar  (1 credit)
General Education Honors Courses (6-9 credits)
Contracted Honors Major Courses (3-6 credits)
HON 390  -  Seminar  (2 credits)
HON 498 - Honors Thesis  (3 credits)

Total: 18 credits

Summer School

Northern State University’s summer semester is divided into three (3) terms. The summer schedule includes comprehensive undergraduate and graduate offerings. Students who attend summer school include recent high school graduates, regular students planning to complete the bachelor’s degree program in three calendar years, graduate students and those pursuing non-degree courses or programs.

Applicants who do not meet fall term admission requirements may be admitted on a trial basis during the summer. They enroll in freshmen level courses recommended by the Registrar. Acceptance as a regular student depends on the student receiving a C average during summer session.

The graduate course offering is extensive during the summer and includes elementary and secondary teaching, counseling and administration. Contact the Graduate Office for more information. Phone: (605) 626-2558.

Summer schedules are available via browse classes.

Spring Interim

Spring interim classes are scheduled between the close of the academic year and the beginning of the summer terms and is considered part of the summer semester. Enrollment is voluntary with group or individual instruction offered on and off the campus. Specially planned activities may be one to three weeks in duration, for which students can earn one to three credits.

Online and Continuing Education

The Office of Online and Continuing Education (OCE) offers undergraduate and graduate online degree programs, online-courses, courses at the Huron Community Campus in Huron, South Dakota, Faculty Led Travel, onsite and off-site workshops and professional development programs for degree and non-degree seeking students. Additionally, OCE offers High School Dual Credit courses to South Dakota high school juniors and seniors.

Online Degrees are offered in the following areas: Accounting, Banking and Financial Services (undergraduate and graduate), Business Administration, Criminal Justice, General Studies, International Business, Leadership and Administration (graduate), Management, Music Education (graduate), Professional Accountancy, Spanish, and Teaching and Learning (graduate).  Online Certificates are offered in the following areas:  Advanced Mathematics (graduate), Chinese, German From Russia Studies (graduate), and Mathematics (graduate).

Online Courses. Online courses are available to anyone with a computer and an internet connection. Ideally suited for working adults and students living outside the Aberdeen area, online courses offer a flexible alternative to face-to-face courses. With 24/7 access to their online course, students can create study schedules that don’t interfere with their work and family responsibilities.

Online courses can be taken for college credit if the student has graduated from high school or has completed a General Educational Development (GED) test. South Dakota high school junior or seniors who have not graduated from high school may enroll in college courses on campus, online at University Centers or Huron Community Campus. Information about the High School Dual Credit program is available at www.sdmylife.com/students/advanced-education-opportunities/.

Online courses through Online & Continuing Education are part of the NSU curriculum; therefore, students can apply the college credit to their degree program, and use their financial aid to pay for some or all of their online course work.

Workshops. A variety of workshops are scheduled throughout the year by the Office of Online & Continuing Education. Most of the workshops provide college credit and fulfill professional development requirements for employers, while several workshops are offered for personal enrichment.

In addition to the scheduled workshops on the NSU website, Extended Studies strongly encourages groups and individuals to request new and additional workshops. Once a request is made, the director will organize and promote the workshop through community outreach and online marketing.

Since the Office of Online & Continuing Education responds to on-demand requests from the public, it is recommended you visit www.northern.edu/online/Pages/workshops.aspx or call (605) 626-2568 for a current listing of workshop offerings.

Faculty Led Travel. Online & Continuing Education coordinates several national and international faculty led travel courses each year. Students and community members may register for faculty led travel programs. For a detailed list of future faculty-led travel courses visit www.northern.edu/online/Pages/studyabroad.aspx, call (605) 626-2568 or email online@northern.edu.

Undergraduate Programs

Northern State University offers the following degrees:

  1. Certificates are awards certifying the completion of a post-secondary instructional program. Typically certificate programs are a subset of the curriculum offered in degree programs. Courses are included to develop a very specific knowledge base or skill set.
  2. The Associate of Arts (AA) degree is typically a two-year transfer degree, which indicates the completion of a student’s lower division general education requirements and forms the foundation for baccalaureate programs.
  3. The Associate of Science (AS) degree is typically a two-year terminal degree. However, it is transferable when a specific degree articulation agreement exists between a given AS degree and a specific baccalaureate degree.
  4. The Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree stresses broad preparation rather than specialization. It is preferred for some graduate and professional schools.
  5. The Bachelor of Science (BS) degree offers a specialized course of study with a scientific or technological emphasis.
  6. The Bachelor of Science in Education (BSEd) and Bachelor of Music Education (BME) degrees prepare students to teach in elementary, secondary, or K-12 schools. Students who successfully complete BSEd requirements and the required state certification exams are eligible to receive a recommendation for the applicable teaching certification in the State of South Dakota. All BSEd graduates are encouraged to apply for South Dakota certification immediately upon completion of their degree. BSEd graduates may also be eligible for Northern State University recommendation for certification in other states, but because teaching certification/licensure requirements vary among states, Northern State University cannot guarantee the graduate will be immediately certified in a particular state. To obtain specific requirements, contact the Certification Officer.
  7. The Bachelor of General Studies (BGS) degree is a program intended to accommodate students with a variety of career goals. It is an important option for students who have accumulated significant college credit and who want to complete a baccalaureate degree. But, it is also a viable choice for students who are interested in building their own degree program, to coincide with their career plans and interests. Students are required to complete general education requirements plus 45 credits in three areas of emphasis (15 credits in each area) selected by the student: allied health, business, education, fine arts, humanities, social sciences, wellness, technology and other STEM disciplines (science, engineering, math). Specific coursework in the three areas of emphasis is selected by the student; additional credits for graduation can be selected from any discipline. THE BGS program cannot be chosen unless the student has earned a minimum of 60 college level credits.
  8. The Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) degree offers more coursework at the upper levels of a student’s discipline, providing an opportunity to engage with their discipline on a professional level, preparing them for careers in their field as well as graduate studies.

Some majors are offered in more than one degree.


Each degree candidate must select the work of one department or discipline as a major subject and must complete all requirements as set out by the major department and detailed in their program evaluation. Any deviation from this requires the written consent of the chair of the department and the dean of the relevant college or school.

Additional Majors: Students pursuing more than one major must complete all requirements for all majors selected as set forth by the academic units involved. When the majors are offered within the same degree program structure, students complete the requirements for only one degree, and only one degree is awarded. Students wishing to complete two undergraduate majors that are offered under different degrees, must complete all requirements for each related degree, and two separate degrees are awarded.

Accounting (BS)
Art (BA)
  Fine Arts Specialization
Graphic Design Specialization
Art Education (BSEd)
Banking and Financial Services (BS)
Biology (BS, BSEd)
Business Administration (BS)
Chemistry (BS, BSEd)
  Forensic Science Specialization
Communication Studies (BA)
Criminal Justice (BA)
Digital Media (BFA)
Economics (BS)
Elementary Education (BSEd)
English (BA, BSEd)
Environmental Science (BS)
Finance (BS)
General Studies (BGS)
German (BA)
History (BA, BSEd)
Human Performance (BS)
International Business (BA)
K-12 Music Education Instrumental Music (BME)
K-12 Music Education Vocal Music (BME)
K-12 Music Education Vocal-Instrumental (BME)
Management (BS)
Management Information Systems (BS)
Marketing (BS)
Mathematics (BS, BSEd)
Medical Laboratory Science (BS)
Music (BA)
Musical Theater (BA)
Physical Education (BSEd)
Political Science (BA)
Professional Accountancy (BS)
Psychology (BS)
Sociology (BA)
Spanish (BA, BSEd)
Special Education (BSEd)
Sport Marketing and Administration (BS)
Studio Art (BFA)


Minors: Students may pursue minors outside the college/school of their major program. They must declare the addition of a minor via a program approval form, signed by their advisor/department and submitted to the Registrar’s Office. Completed minors will appear on the student’s transcript upon graduation. Minors will not be added if they are embedded in the major requirements.

Agribusiness (SDSU)
American Indian Studies
Art History
Banking and Financial Services
Communication Studies
Computer Science
Creative Writing
Criminal Justice
Digital Media
Early Childhood Education
Elementary Education Science
Entrepreneurial Studies
Geographic Information Sciences (GIS)
Human Resource Management
International Business Studies
International Studies
Legal Studies
Management Information Systems
Mathematics for Elementary Teachers
Music (General)
Physical Education
Political Science
Pre-K-12 Reading
Professional Writing and Rhetoric
Public History
Religious Studies
Social Science for Elementary Teachers
Social Work
Special Education
Sport Management
Studio Art

Associate Programs

Banking and Financial Services (AS)
Biotechnology (AS)
Business (AS)
  Business Administration
Management Information Systems
Criminal Justice (AA)
Digital Media (AS)
General Studies (AA)

Pre-Professional Programs

Students whose career goal is to enter professional, baccalaureate degree programs that are not offered at Northern State University can customize the Associate of Arts in General Studies degree with courses required in the first two years of the chosen professional degree. Advisors will work closely with the student and the catalog from the professional school to determine core course selections and the electives in the AA degree. See General Studies (AA)  for complete AA degree requirements.

Dentistry . A strong science or math background is beneficial for students wishing to pursue careers in these areas. Most students at Northern State University who are planning a career in the medical field major in Biology.

See Law , Athletic Training (Pre-) , Chiropractic Health Care , Engineering (Pre-) , Journalism (Pre-) , Mortuary Science , Nursing (Pre-) .

Teacher Certification Endorsements

Graduates may seek additional certification to their primary teaching certificates authorizing them to teach in other age/grade spans and/or content areas. Graduates who complete minor/endorsement programs which have content specif tests must pass the content or area specific state certification test. The Administrative Rules for South Dakota require all coursework leading to education endorsement programs must be completed with a grade of “C” or higher. The endorsement definitions are a minimal suggestion and will not ensure endorsements by themselves except in the cases of the K-12 Braille Education, Blind/Visually Impaired, Kindergarten, Classroom Technology, English as a New Language, Drivers Education, and Coaching Endorsements. Education minors/endorsement programs listed below have been approved for the applicable certification in South Dakota. More specific information on requirements for endorsements may be found on the SD Department of Education website.

K-12 Endorsements

These endorsements may be issued on a K-8, K-12, or 7-12 certificate.

7-12 Endorsements

These endorsements may be issued on a K-8, K-12 or 7-12 certificate.

Middle-Level Endorsement

Middle level preparation is integrated into all certification programs K-8, K-12, and 7-12 for students admitted after September 1, 2000. The middle level endorsement may be added to a K-8, K-12, or 7-12 certificate.

Coaching Endorsement

The coaching endorsement may be issued on a K-8, K-12, or 7-12 certificate.

Birth Through Preschool Education
Birth Through Preschool Special Education
Coaching Education
Kindergarten Education
  Art Education
Blind or Visually Impaired Education
Braille Education
Classroom Technology
Comprehensive School Health
Music Education
Physical Education
Special Education
World Language Education (Spanish)
5-8 Middle Level Endorsement for Content Areas
  Driver Education
Language Arts Education (Composition/Grammar)
Language Arts Education (Literature
Mathematics Education
Science Education
Social Science Education


Certificates: Certificates are stand alone programs and upon completion will be noted on the student’s transcript. Students who complete a certificate may later transition this to a minor or major. Students completing a major cannot retroactively add notation of certificates if embedded in the major requirements.

Advanced Mathematics (Graduate)
Allied Health
Arts Administration
Behavioral Forensic Sciences
Biotechnology Entrepreneurship
Executive Banking
Geographic Information Sciences
German From Russia Studies (Graduate)
History, Public
Jazz Pedagogy
Intermediate Banking
Mathematics (Graduate)
Organismal Biology
Piano Pedagogy
Quantitative Analytics in Science
STEM (Graduate)
Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages


All students can be required to participate in the Regent’s value added testing program. This program requires students to take selected standardized examinations throughout their college careers.

Entry level placement tests: All students must have current ACT scores and/or ACCUPLACER scores for placement into English, Reading, and Mathematics courses. It is recommended that these be taken before initial registration.

Students who take the ACCUPLACER but are not enrolling at NSU or another South Dakota institution will be charged in accordance with SD Board of Regents current mandatory fee. Students are allowed to challenge the ACT or ACCUPLACER placement one time only at the current mandated fee.

Placement Table


MATH Index (MI)


(Classic Exams)


(Next Generation Exams)

Smarter Balanced

Math only: Use only if no HS GPA is available and thus no MI is available.

Challenge Index (CI) = 290 * HS GPA + AAF6 + 20

MATH 021   0 or higher Elementary Algebra: 0-43 QAS 200-223 0-2542

ACT MATH: 1-17


SAT equivalent (see Appendix D - AAC Guidelines Table 2)

MATH 095   0 or higher Elementary Algebra: 0-75 QAS 200-254 0-2627

ACT MATH: 1-19


SAT equivalent (see Appendix D - AAC Guidelines Table 2)


MATH 101  or

MATH 114  w/092L or

MATH 103  w/093L

950 or higher Elementary Algebra: 44-75 QAS 224-254 2543-2627

ACT MATH: 18-19


SAT equivalent (see Appendix D - AAC Guidelines Table 2)

950 or higher7

MATH 114  or

MATH 103  or

MATH 104  or

STAT 281 w/091
1150 or higher

Elementary Algebra: 76-120


College Level: 20-50

QAS 225-300


AAF 200-249

2628 or higher



SAT equivalent (see Appendix D - AAC Guidelines Table 2)

1150 or higher

MATH 115  or

MATH 120  or

MATH 121  or

MATH 201 or

MATH 281 or

STAT 281

1300 or higher College Level: 51- 120 or ACCUPLACER Calculus 1-15

QAS: 250-300


ACCUPLACTER Calculus 1-15


ACT MATH: 25 or higher


SAT equivalent (see Appendix D - AAC Guidelines Table 2)

Challenge Index 1300 or higher AND ACCUPLACER Calculus 16 or higher
MATH 123  w/123L 1300 or higher AND ACCUPLACER Calculus 16 or higher ACCUPLACER Calculus 16 or higher AND MI 1300 or higher ACCUPLACER Calculus 16 or higher AND MI 1300 or higher NA

ACT MATH: 25 or higher


ACCUPLACER Calculus 16 or higher

Challenge Index 1300 or higher AND ACCUPLACER Calculus 16 or higher
MATH 123  

1300 or higher


ACCUPLACER Calculus 19 or higher

ACCUPLACER Calculus 19 or higher


MI 1300 or higher

ACCUPLACER Calculus 19 or higher


MI 1300 or higher




ACCUPLACER Calculus: 19 or higher

Challenge Index 1300 or higher AND ACCUPLACER Calculus 19 or higher

6Advanced Algebra Functions

7CI can be used for challenge - based placement in the bottom five rows of this table. Cut scores are the same as the corresponding MI cut scores for each row.

Courses  ACT Scores COMPASS ACCUPLACER Classic


Next Generation

Smarter Balance  
ENGL 033   ACT English: 1-17 Writing: 1-73 Sentence Skills: 0-85 Writing: 200-262 0-2582  
 ENGL 101   ACT English: 18-36 Writing: 74-100 Sentence Skills: 86-120 Writing: 263+ 2583 or higher  
  ACT ACCUPLACER Classic Reading ACCUPLACER Next Gen Reading      
READ 041   ACT Read 1-15 20-83 200-262      

*The Math Index is a combination of the student’s high school GPA and ACT Math score.

*Students with valid COMPASS scores may use them for up to 5 years following the date of testing.

*Students may challenge their initial placement by taking the ACCUPLACER placement test one time at the mandated fee.


Students planning to pursue a teaching degree must take the PRAXIS Core Academic Skills for Educators (CORE) exam and meet the minimum standard scores before being admitted to teacher education. This test should be taken during the freshman year.

Exit Examinations: Upon completion of a student’s major program and prior to graduation the student will be required to participate in selected assessment activities in his/her major. Most majors have as a part of these assessments a standardized test in the major. While the test results will not affect the student’s graduation status, completion of the exit exam(s) is a requirement for graduation.

If the department exit test(s) is not taken no degree will be awarded.

Students preparing to teach will take the PRAXIS II: Principles of Learning and Teaching in addition to their major field exit test. This test will be taken during the student teaching semester. Minimum scores must be met to be recommended for teacher certification.

Experiential Learning Opportunities

Northern State University offers internships and field experience programs that meet the needs of both students and employers. Many organizations that have sponsored internships and field experiences for students have ultimately placed these students in full-time employment positions upon graduation from Northern State University. Given this success, experiential learning opportunities can be a positive experience for all parties involved. Students are able to incorporate on-the-job experiences into their academic programs as well as hone skills from their coursework to their internship/field experience/practicum.

The employer-student relationship can take several forms, including paid, unpaid, full-time, and part-time work. Some students may be given considerable responsibility in defining their positions, while others may enter into a pre-defined role. Federal and state regulations may apply depending on the type of experience. Similarly, employers are subject to employment laws and rules that exist, such as those which prohibit discrimination and harassment in the workplace.

Northern State University attempts to place students with responsible employers but does not guarantee a problem-free experience. By its nature, an internship, field experience, or practicum occurs outside the classroom and thus beyond the complete control of Northern State University. Although faculty and staff are ready to help solve difficulties that may arise, the student and the employer are ultimately responsible for solving any differences between them.

Students should meet with their academic advisor to determine the best time in their career to complete an academic internship, field experience, and/or practicum, and to discuss academic credit potential for each opportunity.

Important Definitions

Academic Internship, Field Experience, and Practicum. Internships, field experiences, and practicum are applied, monitored, and supervised field-based learning experiences. The student completing the experience :

  • May or may not be paid for the hours invested, depending on the particular experience;
  • May elect or be required to earn academic credit for the experience;
  • Will gain practical knowledge related to their field of study and/or learn skills desired by prospective employers that may open doors to future permanent employment opportunities;
  • Will follow a negotiated or directed plan of study and position description established between the student, on-campus Faculty Supervisor, and internship/field experience Site Supervisor.

Academic Internship. An academic internship is a career-related work experience that meets predefined learning goals related to a specific academic field. An internship is not always a required part of the academic curriculum but frequently an elective option that allows the student to develop and apply professional skills in an applied setting. An internship is valuable because it serves as the student’s first exposure to a particular industry in their field of study, allowing the student to make informed career choices, apply skills and knowledge from previous courses, and develop experiences difficult to introduce in a typical class setting.

Field Experience. The term field experience is often used in science, education, and nursing programs and is typically part of the curriculum needed to meet degree requirements. A field experience requires students to spend time off campus observing, practicing and applying skills they are learning in concurrent or past on-campus courses. Field experiences also allow students to develop new skills or obtain experiences not available in on-campus courses.

Practicum Experience. A practicum experience is an applied field-based learning experience. By completing a practicum, students are able to shadow and observe skills they are learning in concurrent or past courses. A practicum experience is often a part of degree requirements. Typically, there is a higher level of student supervision given during a practicum experience, as compared to an internship or field experience.

Refer to Programs by Degree  for experiential learning guidelines and requirements.