NSU Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Educational Studies (MSEd)
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Career direction: professional education, graduate study.
Educational Prerequisites: Admission to graduate studies
Student Learning Outcomes (Individualized Interdisciplinary Track)
- Graduate students will provide evidence of ongoing personal reflection, growth, and lifelong learning in examining and progressing toward conscious mindfulness.
- Graduate students will demonstrate proficient reading and writing skills to communicate and collaborate in a variety of academic settings.
- Graduate students will be able to demonstrate competence and ethical practices in designing and carrying out sound field research to address local or global needs.
- Graduate students will create and support communities that are bases for sustainable change.
- Graduate students will become an academic leader in the student’s area of specialization through the development of new ideas, theories, and best practices grounded in global and local contexts.
Student Learning Outcomes (Secondary Education Track)
- Graduate students will provide evidence of ongoing personal reflection, growth, and lifelong learning in examining and progressing toward conscious mindfulness.
- Graduate students will demonstrate proficient reading and writing skills to communicate and collaborate in a variety of academic settings.
- Graduate students will be able to demonstrate competence and ethical practices in designing and carrying out sound field research to address local or global needs.
- Graduate students will create and support communities that are bases for sustainable change.
- Graduate students will become an academic leader in the student’s area of specialization through the development of new ideas, theories, and best practices grounded in global and local contexts.
- Teacher candidates will understand how learners grow and develop, recognizing that patterns of learning and development vary individually within and across the cognitive, linguistic, social, emotional, and physical areas, and design and implement developmentally appropriate and challenging learning experiences.
- Teacher candidates will use understanding of individual differences and diverse cultures and communities to ensure inclusive learning environments that enable each learner to meet high standards.
- Teacher candidates will work with others to create environments that support individual and collaborative learning, and that encourage positive social interaction, active engagement in learning, and self-motivation.
- Teacher candidates will understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structures of the discipline(s) they teach and create learning experiences that make these aspects of the discipline accessible and meaningful for learners to assure mastery of the content.
- Teacher candidates will understand how to connect concepts and use differing perspectives to engage learners in critical thinking, creativity, and collaborative problem solving related to authentic local and global issues.
- Teacher candidates will understand and use multiple methods of assessment to engage learners in their own growth, to monitor learner progress, and to guide the teacher’s and learner’s decision making.
- Teacher candidates will plan instruction that supports every student in meeting rigorous learning goals by drawing upon knowledge of content areas, curriculum, cross- disciplinary skills, and pedagogy, as well as knowledge of learners and the community context.
- Teacher candidates will understand and use a variety of instructional strategies to encourage learners to develop deep understanding of content areas and their connections, and to build skills to apply knowledge in meaningful ways.
- Teacher candidates will engage in ongoing professional learning and use evidence to continually evaluate their practice, particularly the effects of their choices and actions on others (learners, families, other professionals, and the community), and adapt practice to meet the needs of each learner.
- Teacher candidates will seek appropriate leadership roles and opportunities to take responsibility for student learning, to collaborate with learners, families, colleagues, other school professionals, and community members to ensure learner growth, and to advance the profession.
Foundation Courses (6 credits):
Secondary Education Program
Earn your master’s degree and become certified as a secondary education teacher in South Dakota. The Secondary Education program is designed for students who have earned a bachelor’s degree from an accredited university. Consult with the graduate advisor for the Secondary Education program to identify a major content area recognized by the South Dakota Department of Education. Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies Program
Customize your master’s program to match your interests and career aspirations. Take two foundation courses in Educational Studies and in consultation with your graduate chair, take a combination of 24 additional credits from Northern State University (with at least 9 of the 24 credits at the 700-level) from the following disciplines: Education Foundations (EDFN), E-learning (ELRN), Educational Psychology (EPSY), Health (HLTH), Indian Education (INED), Middle Level Education (MLED), Music (MUS, with permission of instructor), Secondary Education (SEED), Special Education (SPED), Physical Education (PE), Accounting Analytics (ACCT, with permission of instructor), Counselor Education (CGPS, with permission of instructor). - EDAD 700 - Models of Educational Leadership 3 credits
- EDAD 715 - Theoretical and Practical Framework for Instructional Leadership 3 credits
- EDAD 720 - Special Education Law for School Administrators 3 credits
- EDAD 725 - The Principalship: Theory and Practice 3 credits
- EDAD 730 - Public School Finance 3 credits
- EDAD 735 - School Law 3 credits
- EDFN 592, Language Theory and Acquisition for ENL Education 3 credits
- EDFN 592, Curriculum and Instruction for ENL Education 3 credits
- EDFN 592, Language and Culture for Teachers of ENL Learners 3 credits
- EDFN 592, Program Assessment for ENL Education 3 credits
- EDFN 592, Literacy Instruction for ENL Learners 3 credits
- EDFN 592, ENL Methods and Materials 3 credits
- EDER 515 - Educational Assessment 2 credits
- EDER 765 - Data Driven Decision Making 3 credits
- EDFN 540 - Classroom Management 2 credits
- EDFN 542 - Meeting the Diverse Needs of Students and Their Families 2 credits
- EDFN 555 - Research-Based Literacy Instruction and Assessment 3 credits
- EDFN 575 - Human Relations 3 credits
- EDFN 737 - School Culture and Change 3 credits
- EDFN 742 - School and Community Partnerships 3 credits
- EDFN 752 - Research Based Curriculum and Instruction 3 credits
- ELRN 750 - Teaching and Learning with Digital Technology 3 credits
- ENGL 513 - Literature of Ancient World 3 credits
- ENGL 575 - Creative Writing: Non-Fiction 3 credits
- ENGL 580 - Contemporary Rhetoric 3 credits
- ENGL 584 - Literary Criticism 3 credits
- ENGL 590 - Seminar 1-4 credits
- ENGL 790 - Seminar 1-3 credits
- EPSY 528 - Child and Adolescent Development 3 credits
- HLTH 522 - Nutrition 3 credits
- INED 511 - South Dakota Indian Studies 3 credits
- MLED 580 - Middle Level Methods 2 credits
- MUS 715 - Music Theory Analysis for the Educator 2 credits
- MUS 716 - Technology for Music Educators 2 credits
- MUS 735 - American Music Survey 2 credits
- MUS 743 - Jazz Pedagogy for the Educator 2 credits
- MUS 751 - Advanced Conducting and Performance Practice 3 credits
- MUS 752 - Advanced Rehearsal Techniques and Pedagogy 3 credits
- MUS 766 - School of Music Administration 2 credits
- MUS 772 - Research in Music Education 3 credits
- MUS 775 - Foundations of Music Education: Psychology, History, and Trends 3 credits
- MUS 777 - Curriculum Writing 2 credits
- MUS 782 - Foundations of Music Education: Philosophy 3 credits
- MUS 785 - General Music Pedagogy 3 credits
- PE 511 - Sport Marketing 3 credits
- PE 512 - Financial Aspects of Sport 3 credits
- PE 514 - Law and Ethics 3 credits
- PE 567 - Event Planning and Program Development 3 credits
- PE 582 - Theory of Strength Training and Conditioning 3 credits
- PE 740 - Organization and Administration of Health, PE, and Coaching 3 credits
- PE 744 - Sociological Perspectives of Sport 3 credits
- PE 752 - Analysis and Mechanical Principles of Sport Skills 3 credits
- PE 754 - Applied Sport Psychology of Effective Coaching 3 credits
- PE 758 - Sport Coaching Techniques and Methodology 3 credits
- PE 759 - Contemporary Issues in Sport 3 credits
- PE 773 - Sport Leadership 3 credits
- SEED 550 - Reading and Content Literacy 2 credits
- SPED 510 - Behavior Management of Exceptional Children 3 credits
- SPED 517 - Vocational-Transitional Programming 2-3 credits
- SPED 520 - K-12 Curriculum and Instructional Strategies 3 credits
- SPED 521 - Principles of Orientation and Mobility for the Classroom Teacher 3 credits
- SPED 523 - Foundations of Teaching Students who have Visual Impairments 2 credits
- SPED 524 - Educational Methods, Materials, and Access Technology for Students who have Visual Impairments 2 credits
- SPED 525 - Educational Implications of the Anatomy and Function of the Eye 3 credits
- SPED 531 - Identification and Assessment in Special Education 2-3 credits
- SPED 534 - Introduction to the Literary UEB Braille Code 2 credits
- SPED 536 - Introduction to the Nemeth Code/Teaching Reading to the Blind and Visually Impaired 2 credits
- SPED 560 - Family Systems and Professional Collaboration 2-3 credits
- SPED 570 - Educational Programming 2 credits
- SPED 585 - Special Education Law 2 credits
- SPED 704 - Inclusive Education 3 credits
Research Option for Individualized Interdisciplinary Studies (choose one)
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